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View Full Version : where to buy parts

Captain Nick
11-28-2002, 12:54 PM
I s have most of what I need , but still need a rudder , and a prop shaft and coupling.
also is there anyplace to get interior /trim parts from
I have an 84 Allegro

11-28-2002, 06:13 PM
Hi Captain Nick, You can get the rudder and shaft from your local dealer. If you need help finding them let me know. We have the replacement parts at the factory, that they can order. Unfortunatly we don't make replacement upholstery for boats older than seven years old. Sorry we just can't keep up with the work and the patterns etc. A local upholstery shop can redo the skins provided that the backing plates and foam are OK. Let me know if this helps.

Jay Warren
Marketing Manager

Captain Nick
11-28-2002, 10:32 PM
can any dealer buy the parts , or does it have to be a Supra dealer.
The dealer that is fixing my boat is willing to order them for me , but he isnt a Supra dealer.
the next closest Supra dealer is 3 hrs away from me

11-30-2002, 11:50 AM
Yes, your dealer can order the parts from us. We make exceptions for situations like your own where there is not a dealer nearby. Have them call Anthony Cooper at 800-320-2779 and explain your situation, and he'll take care of you. He is the best in the biz, when it comes to parts for the older model boats(maybe it's because he was here when they were built)... Take care, and if you have any problemos e-mail me direct at [email protected]


Captain Nick
12-01-2002, 11:01 AM
Thanks Jay:)
I will have the shop give him a call this week