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View Full Version : Selling the boat

Okie Boarder
12-16-2014, 01:34 PM
I'll be putting up an ad soon, but just wanted to throw out a heads up that I am selling my boat. If you know anyone looking, let me know.

Okie Boarder
12-16-2014, 11:08 PM


12-17-2014, 10:23 AM
A sad day . . . but I understand sometimes you have to make tough decisions. I've considered selling mine, but not until I can afford to replace it with a newer v-drive! You shouldn't have any problem selling her when someone sees her.

12-17-2014, 01:18 PM
I think your price is pretty fair and the stringer replacement should put you out there as a solidly attractive option to many.

One suggestion, I know you have a full album of pics, but you should still pick some of the best ones and upload those to CL. many people are lazy and you should have at least a few pics to draw them in so they want to see more. additionally, CL has now added search displays that show a pic in the search listings. You do want at least one pic so it shows in that. You are competing against other sellers after all.

Okie Boarder
12-17-2014, 01:32 PM
Good idea...I'll do that.

12-20-2014, 03:22 PM
Great looking boat. Should be somewhere in the $10k-$12.5k range by my guesstimation. You have it listed for a fair price. Changing it up to a different boat or just a change in life direction? I debate on selling mine every winter. It ties up money and I really don't get nearly the use out of it that I used to. Finding a third is difficult and while being on the water is nice, if I can't ride it's usually not worth the hassle of trailering, dealing with tides, etc.

Okie Boarder
12-21-2014, 09:58 AM
Change of life direction.

Okie Boarder
01-18-2015, 09:14 AM
She is sold. Went to a good guy with a young family...time for her to make memories with another family. It was tough seeing her being towed away, but I'm sure she'll be enjoyed and I can take a lot of pride in the fact that boat will be on the water for many years to come.

01-18-2015, 03:55 PM
If you don't mind what was the final price?

01-18-2015, 10:53 PM
Sorry to hear you decide to sell your Supra. I'm glad you could find her a new home hopefully the new owner will take good care of her. Do you know if the new owner has a garage for storage. You have been a member for over five years hopefully you will stay in touch with us here on the form. Good luck in your new life direction.

Okie Boarder
01-19-2015, 03:53 PM
If you don't mind what was the final price?

We ended up around $10K.

Okie Boarder
01-19-2015, 03:54 PM
Sorry to hear you decide to sell your Supra. I'm glad you could find her a new home hopefully the new owner will take good care of her. Do you know if the new owner has a garage for storage. You have been a member for over five years hopefully you will stay in touch with us here on the form. Good luck in your new life direction.

Yeah, I'll definitely be around.

01-20-2015, 01:31 AM
Hey guys, new owner of Okie's boat here and new to forum.

Yes the boat will be stored inside my garage, was one of my primary criteria before purchasing as I did not want to pay storage and built a bigger garage when I built this hose last year. Okie can attest I had him measure six ways from Sunday before I came down.

Pulling away last Saturday was tough, family in the yard, I think you were either taking pics or video as I drove off.... I felt like I stole your dog or something.
I hope it makes everyone feel better that my two girls (4.5, 2.5yrs) and wife were sooooo pumped when I brought it home.

I spent 6.5hrs with Okie this Saturday making the deal (lake test, I wakeboarderd etc...) and definitely got an appreciation for the amount of work put in and how this boat was taken care of and maintained. Rest assured that care will continue. I'm a do-it myself too (mech engineer and general cheapskate), definitely not the level of craftsman as the previous owner but luckily most of the hard work is done.

When I hit the garage I see the side of the boat with the un-finished gelcoat, so it's a reminder it needs to get done and I have a goal to have it shined up before taking it out this season (which for me usually starts in late March). I got specific instructions and even most of the materials given to me by Okie. I read the whole "sticker removal and wet sand" thread. Gotta say this still intimidates me a bit.... I haven't gotten started, yet only got the garage cleaned out and backed in yesterday (boat made it home Sunday Jan 18 at 1:30AM) but hope to rely on some moral support when I decide to bite that off.

I have some plans for the trailer this fall as well but right now looking to enjoy our first summer as boat owners.

Be in touch

01-20-2015, 01:40 AM
Just got her home, 22hr day left home 5:30AM from KC to OKC, 6.5hr purchase, 7hr drive home.
I was really worried the prop guard was gonna scrape but I took a good angle (have lots of room to do this) and no problem.

01-20-2015, 01:48 AM
60 degree day Sunday and this parked outside in the morning brought over a lot of neighbors and a lot of questions.

Little one checking the boat out.

Guide poles off, tower down, in the garage till spring.
My door frame is 105", the boat measures 99" at it's widest.

Okie Boarder
01-20-2015, 09:00 AM

Glad you got on the forum...it will be very helpful to you as you work through different aspects of owning the boat. This forum is full of some great guys and lots of knowledge. Yeah, it was tough for us (me the most), and yeah I took a couple pics of you driving away for posterity. Going from one chapter in life to another isn't always easy, but I am so glad you bought the boat. My wife and I were talking about how our boys were about your girls' age when we bought our first boat and it's cool to think of the memories y'all are about to make. It really did make my day Sunday when you sent me the pic of your little one sitting at the helm. When we made the decision to sell, we were hoping and praying for the right person to come along that would take care of her, enjoy her and have a passion for boating and boarding. I think y'all definitely fit that and I'm so happy you are going to be able to enjoy her for years to come.

Don't be intimidated by the wet sanding and buffing. In reality, it isn't too hard and it's best to slow down and take your time. I'll help as much as I can and I'm sure others will chime in, as well.

michael hunter
01-20-2015, 10:09 AM
dyost Welcome to the forum you have got a great boat without breaking the budget. Okie I hope you don't regret selling her too much . We were in the same boat with the Sunsport in 08 . I wanted a surf boat but didn't want to ruin the originality of a boat I have owned since new. I just couldn't get myself to sell it too many memories and worth more to me than anybody else.

01-20-2015, 11:03 AM
Really smart buy, dyost. And another welcome to the forum.

Way too many of us spent in the same ballpark you did but had to spend money and sweat (blood & tears, too) rebuilding. You're way ahead of the game.

Okie- congratulations on finding her a good home, and a new member here so you can keep a bit of an eye on her.

Okie Boarder
01-20-2015, 12:20 PM
michael, we're excited about this next stage of our lives and don't have any regret. It wasn't an easy decision, but us selling it let's us pursue our dream of a house in the country, which we are really looking forward to.

michael hunter
01-21-2015, 09:31 AM
Okie we had that same dream about 25 years ago we ended up with 11 acres and built a beautiful house in Lowell IN. We have since moved to Flowery Branch GA on 1.2 acres but 1/10 of a mile to the ramp on Lake Lanier. I wish you all the best and I hope your dream house goes smoothly .

Okie Boarder
01-22-2015, 12:00 PM
Thanks...we're excited.