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View Full Version : Hurricane Erica - Preparation

08-26-2015, 02:21 PM
I'm making a plan as to what I am going to do with my boat in the event that Hurricane Erica strikes south florida (It's a bit early to tell, but I am currently in the projected cone). I am looking for a bit of advice as to how to prepare my boat for the storm. I previously had a smaller boat that was stored in a garage, the cushions were all bolted down so I didn't really worry about it. This time around my Supra is exposed to the elements on the trailer in the driveway. I don't expect this storm to be more than a Cat 1 if it hits, but it's always good to have a plan.

Here is my plan:

Remove the covers (bow and cockpit)
Remove all cushions that are not bolted on
Remove the batteries (debatable because I could leave them and let the auto-bilge run)
Remove the accessories (cover poles, ropes, bumpers, anchors, etc)
Remove drain plug (already removed for normal storage)
Put cement blocks in front and behind the tires
Put a ratchet strap over the sundeck covers to ensure they stay down.

Any other suggestions? I thought about putting the winter cover on, but I'm concerned that it'll get torn up.

08-26-2015, 03:05 PM
What year and model boat? Also, maybe try and keep it away from trees?

08-26-2015, 04:00 PM
2006 Launch 21V

We have trees on both sides of the drive way, but I may coordinate with my neighbors to park it between the houses (It'll be mostly on their property)


08-26-2015, 04:35 PM
If you drop the tower, take off the platform and swing the tongue away, would it fit in the garage at all?

08-26-2015, 05:30 PM
Good point, I'll have to measure it and see if there is enough depth. I might have to rearrange some of our "junk" :p

I also need to see if I can get the tower to collapse, the knobs are pretty well corroded :/