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View Full Version : Admin Help Request - I lost the connection to an existing profile

09-29-2015, 10:51 AM
Somehow (probably my own doing) I've been disconnected with my original profile (barelyfloating). I did a reset of my internet settings and that washed away lots of username/passwords linkages. When I went onto this site and requested a new password, it automatically (again, I don’t recall resetting my username) sent me a username that I’ve used in the past on other sites but not here.

I know this all sounds confusing, but what I’m asking for help on is being reconnected with my barelyfloating profile. Does anyone have any guidance or experience on how to do this?

09-29-2015, 10:59 AM
So, to make sure I understand you, you have forgotten your password for your username "Barelyfloating" and the password reset is not working correctly? Are you getting the link to reset your password in your email?

10-06-2015, 10:33 AM
It seems a little more complicated. My username has changed to ywcoots. I don’t recall changing it, but I'm sure it's something I've done. I would like to go back to barelyfloating and all the history I have there. Is there any way to reactivate that account?

10-12-2015, 07:27 PM
just click on the here word in the forgot password section when you go to log in