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07-13-2003, 03:26 PM
Noticed my prop has a nice chip out of one blade that is getting bigger. i've heard props can be repaired when they have a chip out of them, but is it better to repair it or just buy a new one?

Brian Raymond
07-13-2003, 10:45 PM
A reputable prop. shop can repair a damaged prop. to the performance level of a new prop. for less $. They can weld and bring back cup to the bad prop., and also spin balance them. Ask if they have a reconditioned prop. your size on the shelf. I'm sure it will be less $ than a new one, that way you will have a back up prop. just in case. If this is not a feasable option, contact O.J. props. They are very friendly and can ship UPS. Let them know what dia., pitch, and bore size you need. They always have ads in WaterSki Mag. with specials and phone #. Brian Raymond

07-13-2003, 11:13 PM
Thanks for your help Brian. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a prop shop in my part of the world (Ft. Collins, CO), but I'll call around. I'd almost like to go for a 4 blade or a different pitch as 900# of ballast in the old comp sure makes the 351 work hard.

Brian Raymond
07-14-2003, 11:04 PM
I would suggest staying with the same pitch. There are many variables that go along with changing it. If a better holeshot is needed for a wieghted boat, go with the nibral 4blade(brass prop.). Your other option is to go with a stainless 4 blade, which will have less flex under load, hence, more pull(yet pricier). If you have the opportunity to try each prop., do so, and see if you can feel the diff. and make the call. Brian Raymond

07-15-2003, 09:27 AM

I was real happy when I upgraded to an ACME three blade prop. Better holeshot. Holds speed better. No real loss on the top end. Email me if you want more info or use the mailing list.


07-26-2003, 09:50 PM

My experience with a 4 blade OJ is that there was a loss of performance on my Legacy than with a 3 blade. I had a 4 blade OJ and purchased a 3 blade stainless OJ and have not lost any hole shot and increased acceleration and top end with the 3 blade. I talked to Skiers Choice and my local prop shop, which I have delt with for 15 years, and both recommended the 3 blades on lighter boats. Most of the 4 blades are being used on the large, heavy wakeboard boats.
I recommend the OJ Props. They are proven and reputable in the industry. I have also heard some good things on the Acme's have not tried one.