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View Full Version : boat leaking

07-17-2003, 05:31 PM
My 89 Comp seems to be bringing on water, but I can't figure out from where. All plugs are in and wrapped with teflon tape so they aren't leaking, the shaft just got new packing rope so it hasn't started to leak yet. All plugs in the motor's water jacket aren't leaking, so I'm stumped. The only unusual thing i've noticed about the water that seems to be leaking in is that there are chunks of foam floating in it. The foam is tan/light brown and looks like the type of foam you would spray in a crack and it would expand. I can find similar foam around the exhaust tubes that dive into the hull of the boat on their way back to the transom, but no foam seems to be missing.

Since the boat just got refurbished from the factory this last winter, I'm thinking that water is leaking in from somewhere that didn't quite get sealed up right. Has anyone had a similar problem?

07-18-2003, 09:37 AM
my water leak is getting worse, too. i'm thinking i'll have to pull the flooring sooner than i was hoping. it has to be the mufflers/exhaust. i've checked/recaulked everything else.

mark- what's the deal with taking it back to the factory? how much did it cost, how long did it take, what all did they do?

your floating foam doesn't sound too good. you can't find a spot where its coming out?

i think i'm going to take the back seats and drive shaft flooring out and take a spin this weekend to get a better look.


07-18-2003, 09:38 AM
my water leak is getting worse, too. i'm thinking i'll have to pull the flooring sooner than i was hoping. it has to be the mufflers/exhaust. i've checked/recaulked everything else.

mark- what's the deal with taking it back to the factory? how much did it cost, how long did it take, what all did they do?

your floating foam doesn't sound too good. you can't find a spot where its coming out?

i think i'm going to take the back seats and drive shaft flooring out and take a spin this weekend to get a better look.


07-18-2003, 10:00 AM
The boat was about 2.5 hrs from the factory so I took it back there over the winter to have it refurbished. The factory lifted off the top of the boat, ripped out the old wood stringers, glassed in new ones, put a new fiberglass subfloor in the boat, put in a new floor and new carpet. They were NOT willing however to redo the upholstery or check anything mechanical on the motor. Total bill was $7000. Pricey yes, but at least I know the people who did the work KNOW the boat and KNOW how to do good work, but I'm starting to wonder about the quality of the work due to my leaking issue.

07-18-2003, 10:00 AM
I took them about 2 months, (Mid Nov. to Mid Jan).

07-26-2003, 09:55 PM
I had the same problem and could not find were it was coming from. I lifted the fuel tank (actually turned it on it's side to see better) and saw that my connection to both of my mufflers were loose and leaking water. The thru hull fittings had melted slightly and lost there roundness and were no longer a tight fitting. Replaced the fittings and now all is well. I also had the foam stuff sprayed around the stainless piping coming off the exhaust going into the floor that was coming out also. Not sure how to fix that or why it was sprayed in there to begin with.... Hope some of this can help out..

07-27-2003, 12:56 PM
that sounds like what is up with my boat. the water pools in the back of the boat and when you slow down to pick up the skier, the water runs forward into the bildge. Sometimes there is a lot of water, sometimes there is none.
I called Supra this week and they recommended checking the mufflers. Lifting the tank sounds like the thing to do. I'm assuming you just took out the back seat, unscrewed the big U clamps that held it down and turned it on its side? Did you have to disconnect the vent tube to turn it? Also- where did you get the fittings? Were they just simple hose clamps or did you have to order a part?
thanks for your help!

07-29-2003, 11:18 AM
I had a 1988 Mastercraft that was ran hot one time and the plastic exhaust baffels that go through the hull warped and caused water to leak into the boat. Check it out. They can be replaced or resealed.

07-29-2003, 12:03 PM
you guys can access your mufflers without cutting the floor?!?? man, i am soooo jealous! i've had my gas tank out before and there was nothing but solid flooring underneath it. i may have to 'make' some access panels.

07-30-2003, 12:01 AM

You can get the fittings (thru-hull) from SKIDIM.COM and the other fittings from your local hardware store. Be sure to pick-up some sealant as well because you will need to make those fitting watertight or you will still get water but from a new location. We left the vent hose connected because there was still a little bit of fuel left in the tank, I couldn't siphon it all out. Otherwise we took off the fill connection(completly), straps, wiring, fuel pickup line, etc.. It gave us easy access to the fittings. You should be able to see where your mufflers come out of your floor boards (stainless steel) and connects to a, what I call a resonater (not sure what it really is called) kind of like another muffler but it isn't stainless and then to your thru-hull fittings. The fittings you get from SKIDIM only had 4 holes in them and my stock ones had 6. I just applied a little extra sealant to the extra holes and called it good. After fixing those I haven't had any water leaks since.....

Good luck.

07-30-2003, 12:07 AM
We unscrewed the brackets that held the back storage lid on and that exposed the fuel tank. On the Bravura I did not have to remove the back seats. The clamps were 3 1/2" stainless clamps, the same that hold your exhaust flaps onto your thru-hull fitting on the back of the boat.

08-18-2003, 12:23 PM
Don't know if your boat is leaking at rest or during operation, but my '92 Esprit leaked only during operation, and after much checking, water was filling the back of the boat through a gap in the caulking under the rub strip where the deck and hull are joined.

Trick ski/wakeboard speed was perfect for "ramming" the water in, when the stern rides low in the water. A tube of high quality (3M) caulk, and it was fixed.

That would be something to check if you haven't already.
Later, Tate