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View Full Version : '04 Hyperlite Parks DNA

12-30-2003, 05:30 PM
Anyone ridden this board yet? I'm thinking of upgrading from a Byerly to the Parks this year...

01-10-2004, 12:53 AM
I have the parks 03 138 and I have ridden an 03 byrly. I believe the parks is more grabby than the Byerly. However, use small fins or no fins and the Parks almost feels similar to a Byerly.
Gerry Nunn told me that you should get a Parks if you are working on your inverted tricks. Therefore, if you have not started on Inverts yet, you Byerly should work out well for another season or two.

Good Luck,

01-10-2004, 12:55 AM
I have the parks 03 138 and I have ridden an 03 byrly. I believe the parks is more grabby than the Byerly. However, use small fins or no fins and the Parks almost feels similar to a Byerly.
Gerry Nunn told me that you should get a Parks if you are working on your inverted tricks. Therefore, if you have not started on Inverts yet, you Byerly should work out well for another season or two.

Good Luck,

03-14-2004, 06:03 PM
The Parks '04 is a great board! I wouldn't spend the $$$ on a DNA version though. Even Parks himself rides the Biolite version of the board.

06-28-2004, 11:59 AM
I have a 138 cm '04 Parks DNA and my sister's b/f has a 143 biolite...
I've ridden on both boards and love the feel of the phin setup on the Parks boards...
We also have a 141cm '04 CWB Absolute - also a great board, not quite as much pop (no board will give you as much pop as a Parks), but if you want a Parks board I hope you're at least an intermediate rider not scared of heights...
As far as boards go though, a top of the line board isn't going to make you a good wakeboarder. Lots of people buy into the idea that b/c Parks is the best rider, this is the best board. Not necessarily true, this board just has the most aggressive rocker. The best thing to do is try out a few different boards. If you've never ridden on a 3-stage rocker board (like the Parks) you should try one before you spend the money, because some people don't like them. I have a friend who's semi-pro and he rides on the Hyperlite Premier series just b/c he doesn't like the way the 3 stage rocker boards ride. The Parks boards have a very aggressive rocker and aren't the easiest to ride either... If you're going to spend this much money for a board you should probaly be able to do basic inverts and 360s already... The Parks is a board you can grow into, but it isn't a board to put a beginner on...
Hope this helps, good luck...