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View Full Version : sound under dash

07-27-2009, 07:35 PM
if a circuit breaker is bad would it make beeping sound? thanks, mike

michael hunter
07-27-2009, 08:33 PM
Welcome to the forum . What model and year is your supra ? I doubt its a circuit breaker
but need more info to advise.

07-27-2009, 08:51 PM
2000 comp. looks to be a pattern sound coming from the depth sounder. i re set the master, but continued to beep.. mike

07-30-2009, 06:14 PM
stage are you sure it isn't one of the alarms for fuel/oil/temp/volt???? sometimes they are pretty sensitive. When does the alarm sound?

07-30-2009, 10:45 PM
the beep is coming from a black round disk above the breaker panel. when i unpluged the depth, the noise ended. the depth did not work but still flashed on the display? all my gauges click a little. is that normal ? thanks for all the help.. new boat .

07-31-2009, 10:08 AM
I have a beeping sound that occasionally happens when I hit a wake hard. My fuel light also blinks in and out usually at the same time. If I slap the top of my dash it stops the problem usually. If you unplugged the depth finder and it stopped that is probably the suspect. If yours is equipped with a depth alarm it might need to be reset to a shallower depth.