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View Full Version : How'd you do this season?

09-15-2009, 02:09 PM
My season isn't over but it's winding down here in WI. Thought I'd throw out some stats:

45 - days on the water
160+ - engine hours
$135 - launch fees
$2500 - gas (OUCH!)
$1120 - beer (just what I purchased....)
2 - broken wakesurf fins
3 - broken wakeboard bindings
3 - batteries replaced
1 - prop consumed (best ever... usually go through 2-3/season)
1 - tow ins after mechanical failure (severe rope tangle.)
1 - tow in after running out of gas
1 - engine pull (cracked oil drain fitting.)
0 - fat sacs without holes or split seams (started with 5 good ones.)
0 - functioning depth finders (damn these things!)
∞ - hangovers/stories/smiles.

Probably another 2 weeks of fun to keep adding to these...... Knock on wood!

09-15-2009, 05:53 PM
Dang I have to say you thoroughly kicked my butt! In MN we have had an awesome week of 80s temps (yay work). I can't believe you kept track of all this stuff lol!!

100 hours on this season and 100 last.
0 launch fees. :)
1 new prop to send to ACME this winter to be strainghtened.
2 new batteries.
ZERO breakdowns WOW! Thank you 2nd batt and backup belts.
0 ropes eaten knock on teak.
1 surfboard kicked into the transom
113,376 views to my photo album: http://photos.wakeboarder.com/showgallery.php/ppuser/35518/cat/500
207 posts 9,772 views of my SunSport diary thread heheheh
977 posts to this forum from me

DUDE - split fatsacs? DAYUM what happened lol.

Got my backroll on lock finally, just wish I could add style or big air lol! Tantrum is causing me my first ever knee twinges in 14 years boarding. I think I am gonna lessen the duck in my right (rear) foot and see if that helps.

Minor engine issues continue(runs rough and vibrates, some power loss), electrical/ignition parts replacement continues.

09-15-2009, 06:04 PM
Ok slightly different tune here....
40 hours on water
reliable running boat
1-tow in at the beginning of the season
interior almost complete, done at night at home!!!
new carpet
rebuilt and painted trailer

And some new found patience for the boat I thought I'd use every weekend, but enjoyed working on just the same.....it'll be that much better next year....
Somebodies giving up her parking spot behind the house this winter, so no more 2.5 hour drive to go restore the boat! My son will be that much older next year.....I don;t know why I thought it had to be perfect this year!!!!!!!

09-18-2009, 01:49 AM
Here is where I stand on my '08.

130 hours this year to date
4 engine oil changes
1 trans/vdrive oil change
1 O2 sensor failed/replaced (warranty item)
1 popped towable tube
Broken front bilge pump (warranty item)
Hairline crack in rudder (warranty item)
Front docking lights leaked, had to be resealed
Many ballast problems --> replumbed ballast system (awesome upgrade....its sooooo much better)
Added extra amp/subwoofer/tower speakers
Upgraded trailer wheels
Boat survived a day with 12 crazy teenagers on it!

Myself, wife, and three kids all wakeboard, surf, and kneeboard now :)
Awesome memories with my family and friends!

And still about 6 weeks left of water time left, should be able to go into November....

I love my Supra, overall it has been a great boat!

09-18-2009, 01:15 PM
From Jan 1 2009 (Just in my boat)
487 engine hours
11 Motor Oil, V drive oil, Tranny Oil Changes
3 Broken Boards
2 cut ropes (From The Front Wing doing Wake Gainers)
Added another heater in Feb.
$4233.98 in Fuel
$564 tires
1 Broken seat plate
3 new inverts
2 new spins
28 new people introduced to foiling
Taught 26 people new tricks so far this year
Too many pain relievers to count.
Way Too much FUN to try to put a number on.
100's of new friends and fans.

I must say this year was less than previous years but never the less still a BLAST!!!!

09-18-2009, 05:27 PM
DUDE 500 hours in a SEASON that is NUTZZZZ u win already!

09-19-2009, 11:03 AM
Season was slow for me with a new addition to the fam, but here it is:

55 hours, totalling 905 on it now
Approx. $300 in fuel
$0.00 launch fees (docked at the family cottage)
1 breakdown (dead starter)
1 tow due to the dead starter
Hard start issue (bad cap & rotor)
New Impeller, new starter, new cap, rotor, plugs = $550.00
Ski course = $1,000
Ski course mainline wrapped around the prop! Only once though...
one tear in the rear bench:(
Graduated from 15 off down to 22 off (2 1/2 bouys)...

Total fun factor: $1850.00


09-20-2009, 02:07 PM
OK i win least. Not my boat but the one ive been using the last few years
2 hours (put it in two weeks ago for the first time)
$50 in fuel
3000 rpm max
0 times behind it
messed up carb
pullin next week