View Full Version : Hydrofoil/Air Chair?

09-18-2009, 01:59 AM
Ok, my buddy brought out his air chair (hydrofoil) the other day and I got up on it. Wow! that is pretty cool. If you have never tried one of these before, you gotta give it a shot. I had a hard time staying behind the boat and my longest run was only about 2 minutes, but I think a few more times out I might be able to start to control it. Its pretty amazing the thing actually floats in the water. If you have a bad back or knees, this is the ticket. It really puts little strain on any part of your body, even getting up there is little resistance on your arms. Cool thing was my buddy is very good, and he said with the tower and ballast full the wave actually helps him jump higher. He could launch out the water, its was pretty amazing.

Even though they are the most awkward piece of equipment to have on your boat. Drop that sucker and you would be happy with a few scratches, and hopefully not a hole in your boat!!!

Todd, I know you hydrofoil, do you have the bracket that attaches to the tower to hold the chair??? I am thinking about buying one next year, but only if I could mount that sucker on the tower.

09-18-2009, 06:26 AM
Yes, I have 2 Comptech tower mounts - (http://www.skyski.com/node/93)
None of these are cheap - but it makes all the difference in the world to get
that thing out of the boat.

(I only ride a little - my wife is the serious one).

Hey - next time you try - make sure you keep your eyes on the back of the
towboat - and when first starting, it helps to spread your knees apart once
you're up - because then you can't really steer with them (which you will do later,
but not yet)

KO1 is a mad hydrofoiler as well.

Samson also makes great foil racks http://www.samsonsports.com/hydrofoil_racks.html

Off to a week of hydrofoiling and surfing at Lake Powell in about an hour ...


09-18-2009, 10:45 AM
Take me wiff you!!!!!

09-18-2009, 12:41 PM
FMan Who is your buddy that rides the foil??

There are a lot of guys out your way that ride. We ride all the time. Post up some pics or video. If you are really wanting a Foil and the accessories let me know. I can hook you up with anything you may need.

Keith 919-228-1733

BTW I think the Comptech racks are much better than any other racks.

09-18-2009, 03:20 PM
FMan Who is your buddy that rides the foil??

There are a lot of guys out your way that ride. We ride all the time. Post up some pics or video. If you are really wanting a Foil and the accessories let me know. I can hook you up with anything you may need.

Keith 919-228-1733

BTW I think the Comptech racks are much better than any other racks.

He is a friend at work, like I mentioned it was my first time using one. It was pretty cool, still having one heck of a time steering in the right direction. My buddy kept telling me to look at the back of the boat, once the HF started going to one direction I could not get it to come back the opposite way. We are going out again this Tuesday, I am going to try keep my legs apart like Todd suggested. My friend can get some good air on that thing, its a little scary how heavy that ski is, but the falls are a lot easier on the body than wakeboarding.

As I get older, falling less and putting less strain on my knees and back are becoming more of a priority. I am hoping to learn the air chair a little better, I might try and purchase one this winter if I continue to show interest for the rest of the season.

If I decide to purchase I will give you a holler, not sure what model he has, I think he paid around $1500.00 plus he bought a helmet too.

09-20-2009, 10:44 PM
Welcome to the addiction!!! Push that handle away from you while riding and stay over the front wing with your upper body for now and it will ride a lot easier. You will progress very quickly on the hydrofoil. Just keep everything slow and smooooooth!!!

You should start inverts on the 2-3 ride!!!! Just Kidding!! But seriously!!!

09-27-2009, 01:46 AM
I like one, but there expensive! I have been hesitant to experiment with something like that. I have seen them on the water and they do look like fun. I need to find a buddy with one so I can check it out before I make the investment.

09-27-2009, 02:49 AM
Wadsworth I'm just south of Raleigh, NC if you want to try it out get up with me. There are some guys at Lake Anna that ride too.


09-27-2009, 03:58 PM

What is your thought on the sky ski with the built in shock, it looks like a better setup then the air chair.

Wanted to get your opinion on the best chair....

09-27-2009, 07:38 PM
Fman, that is a great ski - heavier than the one without ...

What matters more is the foil (t-bar and wings) itself.

The BEST setup costs about $5k from sky ski and then about another grand in aftermarket - but
you would not benefit from all of that for a while.

09-28-2009, 12:47 AM
Here are some of the Foils to look in to.

http://www.skyski.com/node/73 Pro with EVO
http://www.skyski.com/node/75 Launch with EVO
http://www.skyski.com/node/134 LE 38 With Evo

The EVO is the best Seat/Tower out there IMO.
You can get the same foils with a Rock Tower too and they will be a little cheaper. Go to this website and look in the classified http://www.foilforum.com/forums/index.php You may find something used but still in great shape for a better price.


09-29-2009, 01:46 AM
What speed are you guys towing people at on the Air Chair? We seem to be right about 22 right now for the more experienced riders, I am only at 17 mph.

09-29-2009, 05:28 AM
That sounds about right. 15-17 for newbies, 21-25 for more experienced. My wife
rides at 23 - unless she's learning some scary new trick - like 360's --- in which case
we slow down at first.

09-29-2009, 03:59 PM
17-18 should be right. I ride at 25 mph and slow down to 21 to work on new tricks. As you ride you want to get your technique dialed in at slower speeds then go a little faster to get more AIR!!!!!