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View Full Version : Rode a 03 SANTE for the first time...

09-22-2009, 02:17 PM
Hey all! First let me say up front I may ramble a bit here as I talk about riding a 03 SANTE for the first time. I will have pics eventually but not yet. First, background info: I really like wakeboarding a lot!! I have done it for near 15 years. I have always considered myself SUPER lucky to have an awesome family who appreaciates boating and time on the water. Super lucky. My family has always owned an I/O, but never a wake boat. I had to buy that myself last year when I turned 26, my 87 SunSport. I have had the chance to ride a couple older inboards recently, but other than that I have not been exposed to ANY new wake boats to actually ride behind. Just dream about...

So since I have had an inboard I have made a few e-friends! with boats and my good buddy Don upgraded to an 03 Super Air Nautique Team Edition. It sure is a sweet ride and thank you sir for the priveldge. I know it's not a Supra, but I have never had the chance to ride behind a new Supra although I would LOOOVE to! So this is my community and I wanna post about my experience hehe!

Anyways the ballast was two 450 tanks on either side of the v-drive and an 800lb tank (I think) under the floor of the bow walkthrough. Each tank had two aerator pumps on a switch, an electric flowrite gate on each tank (I think, maybe just one master) and a ballast guage to read how full they were. The flowrites and the guages had some issues. But it was super quick and silent. Totally worry free and I wish my system could be NEAR to this awesome someday. Full or emptied in just 2-3 minutes total.

THE WAKE: The wake was unbelievably huge and steep I have never seen anything like it. Tough to describe really except AWESOME! Felt like a kick in the pants, a trampoline double up, and big BOOTER! Every hit was easily the biggest ever for me. I can now understand how people can take a realllll slow edge into the wake and still throw a tech trick. It sure was intimidating at first but I felt pretty determined not to let it scare me. It was at least knee high and quite steep and hard. Perfectly clean lip with zero wash.

By the end of the set I was taking a full edge out and a strong cut at the wake. I was able to grab a mute hsfs 180, let is drift out away from the boat and poke it towards the sky, then on my way back down put both hands back on the rope and pull the board back around to land regular. Waaay out in the flats and I was amazed I didn't get crushed on the landing but the concave hull (aka spine) on the Watson really really helps. Thanks LF!

I landed the hs backroll but couldn't land the 360 and didn't want to destroy myself on bad tantrum attempts. :) I had a half cab go really big and really bad, I rolled down the windows and was belly up to the sky, then flipped over belly facing the water and landed headfirst. Lots of impact to the ribs and shoulders and neck. Hurts to cough and painful ribs but think I am ok. Buddy Don gave himself a concussion on a backroll. Other new buddy Chad who stopped by here once recently (and has an 08 Epic!) blew it up on the kneeboard with raleys and blind landings and takeoffs on back and front rolls and flats rolls AWESOME!! Also super lucky to have someone there with an SLR camera with nice lenses so I have my fingers crossed to get some great pics.

I can see why people say this is one of the best wakes ever. It is a little steep for some peoples taste I would think (another person there had an 08 WakeSetter and said his wake was nowhere near this wake).We had a big crew of about 8 people plus the gas tank and ballast were totally full when I rode. The wake was so steep that when you edged out for a cut the trough could not be seen it dipped DOWN below my sight of the waterline. I can't stop thinking about it! I will post photos ASAP.

Okie Boarder
09-22-2009, 05:49 PM
Very cool. I've ridden behind an older Nautique, but not a newer one. Even the older Nautique wake was pretty steep and it seemed to throw me W2W pretty easy.

Glad you had a good time!

09-22-2009, 06:39 PM
Thanks for reading! :) Hopefully it will become more regular for me to hitch a ride on a sweet boat like that now that I am in the wake boat owners club lol.

According to my buddy Don he says the hull on the 03 SAN is the same as the hull on his older boat, a 93or94 Sport Nauti. He used a pair of 400s alongside the DD engine and no bow weight. The wake was pretty nice but not very peaky or super steep and no where even CLOSE to the size. I know the new boat is heavier and more ballast but having all that weight in the rear of the boat makes a huge difference. I don't really know how to explain it but it was freaking gigantic.

09-22-2009, 08:21 PM
Good read Mikey...... Last summer I had the oppurtunity to ride behind an X-star, 'maybe an '05 or '06, don't know much about MC's it was a big boat, V-drive with the notch in the bow..... I got to spend about a week behind this boat and I'd recount my experience as very similar if not identical to yours...... Very quiet automated ballast system, and a huge wake...I mean Huge.....first couple cuts towards it were scary, thrilling, but scary. Knee high, best way to describe it for me is to compare it to a snowboard booter, or tabletop.....
They ended up selling it and this year had an'09 MC X-214 with a direct drive, a really nice boat, but the v-drive/ ballast combo seems to be the one with the dead serious wake,.......
Turns out my favorite part is riding all these different boats/wakes........
Egg Salad!!!!!

09-23-2009, 10:14 AM
I wonder how a 95 Super Sport Nauti (same hull and their first v-drive model) would compare to the 03 Super Air Nauti? Probably pretti similar and the SSN can be had for about $16k blank. :)

What was the first year Supra made any V-Drive?

09-23-2009, 11:59 AM
As I understand it, the lower end of the SAN hull is pretty much the same hull design as the original 2001s. Almost all of the nautiques have used this same lower-hull mold and are pretty consistent in the wake shape.

My roomie describes a friends 2006 X-Star as making my boats wake seem like a jetskis.

09-23-2009, 12:02 PM
As I understand it, the lower end of the SAN hull is pretty much the same hull design as the original 2001s. Almost all of the nautiques have used this same lower-hull mold and are pretty consistent in the wake shape.

My roomie describes a friends 2006 X-Star as making my boats wake seem like a jetskis.

09-23-2009, 02:35 PM
I take it Don got the gauge issue fixed? Awesome. Can't wait to see pictures of the wake.

09-23-2009, 03:11 PM

I know I'm new hear but my last boat was a 95 SuperSport, and I pumpled in about 1600 pounds of hidden balast and it was great. The nautique 210 hull is the same exact hull from the 95 supersport to the 2006 SuperAir they just changed the interior of the boats nothing on the hull. So to answer your question it will be just like your friends.

09-23-2009, 03:49 PM
Sean yeah they got Son Watersports in Anoka to give them a different CPU (or whatever the onboard computer is called) temporarily while they ordered a new one. He ended up having a bunch of people out or I would've called you for sure. Still might happen next weekend (not this upcoming wknd) I THINK.

Jon - You are indeed correct! However, my buddiy owned a 93 Sport Nauti before this 03SAN and the wake wasn't anything like this wake. I admit he used more weight in the 03SAN, however he also told me the 93Sport never put out like this. I can only assume it is from the v-drive in the rear. The wake was absolutly nuts. When we accelerated from a stop, the water and spray were up to the rubrails.

One thing I think it really funny about CC is that the bottom of the hull at the transom, sticks down in the middle. This causes a hump in the middle of the two wakes. Havent seen it on any other brand.

09-25-2009, 05:54 PM
Where are the pics?!?

11-05-2009, 07:08 PM
Ok y'all here are a few pics at long last! Hopefully I will get some more eventually. All taken with a friends skillz and DSLR camera. Nice!


11-05-2009, 07:09 PM

11-05-2009, 07:09 PM

11-05-2009, 07:10 PM

11-05-2009, 07:19 PM

More pics and high res versions can be found at the photog's original thread:

Thanks again!

11-05-2009, 08:02 PM
Those are sweet pics!! Fine job!!

11-09-2009, 03:02 PM

Is that you doing the tanturm?

If it is do you always shut your eye's at take off :D LOL

11-09-2009, 04:46 PM
lol! That is my buddy Don whose boat it is. I am the last one pictured with the bright boardies and red Watson board. I am proudly keeping my eyes open during my backroll thank you very much! I wish I had the trick on lock like Don does though! Super amazing boat.