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View Full Version : Electrical Problem?

03-11-2004, 02:04 AM
I recently purchased an 2002 Supra SSV used and ended up storing it for 5 months. I took it out about a week ago and my stereo was cutting out, and my volt meter would drop down to ten when I ran all my accessories. I took the boat in to get serviced and replaced the batteries, but when I got it home it continued to drop the voltage. Granted I was out of the water and not running the boat, but this shouldn't happen. I should be able to run all my accessories out of the water without the boat running. I do have a factory installed amp and was thingking it drawing current from that, but I just can't pinpoint the problem. Has anyone ever ran into this? I'm lost and can't figure it out!!!!

HELP!!! Feel free to email me at: [email protected]


Brian Raymond
03-12-2004, 01:08 AM
You may want to check out how the stereo(tuner), is turned off. If the display indicates "tuner off", in actuallity it is not. Hold the SRF(power button) until the entire screen goes blank. This nsures no power is given to the stereo. Keep me posted. Brian Raymond.

03-12-2004, 01:14 AM
Brian, thanks for the reply. I actually take the stereo out (detachable face) and it doesn't seem to get any better. I can't even turn the heater, or any of the accessories on while I am sitting in my driveway. The funny thing is, that I can turn the boat over and it will fire right up even with the volts being 10. It seems like I might have an electrical problem, but just can't seem to pinpoint it.