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View Full Version : Preping for Winter (not winterizing)

12-10-2009, 01:49 AM
So I am not going to winterize my boat this winter becuase it is in my insulated garage that I make sure to keep above 32 degrees ;) I am wondering what I should do to the boat though, if anything. I am thinking it may need some fuel stabalizer and I plan to clean it out really good, take out ballast, drain all the water from the bilge area etc. If anybody has some advice on what I should, I would appreciate the input. Thanks

12-10-2009, 06:54 AM
An insulated garage sounds great! Fuel stabilizer is a good idea, but you should be sure to mix it with the gas good by puring it in the tank, driving around a little to mix it, then run the motor to get it into the carb. Before the days of fuel stablizer, people would fog the carb. Some do both.
Even though you're in a heated storage area, I would at least winterize the engine unless you're certain that your heat won't fail over the winter. What about a power outage - would that leave your garage lower than 32? A little time spent draining the block and winterizing is cheap insurance to protect a 6 or 7 thousand dollar engine.
Other than that, you could use some dryer sheets in the storage areas and between the seat cushions to keep the mice out - especially when it's in a nice warm garage!

12-10-2009, 09:25 AM
Those are some good points, thank you. You were talking about the carb, I guess I should have mentioned that I have a fuel injected engine. I could still run the engine for a few minutes. That probably wouldn't hurt anything. I found the post on the Moomba site about winterizing so I might just go ahead a do that. I appreciate the information.

12-10-2009, 11:46 AM
If you are feeling ambitious, you could install a quick-drain kit for the block and manifold (or just make your own with petcocks). Then you can winterize in about a minute. Cheap and great mod.

12-10-2009, 10:09 PM
DONT run your engine for a few mins without water or you will toast your impeller, back it into some water or you could hook a hose up in front of your vdrive, or take your impeller out all at your own risk

change the oil and filter before you add the stabilizer and run the engine. I'd drain the block, mufflers,impeller, take off vdrive hoses and j pipe. its quick and easy and way less than a rebuild. plus a piece of mind

fogging is to coat the rings so they are lubricated on spring start up, mpi is a dry intake so i wouldn't do it thru the throttle body, you need to pull the plugs and spray for about 3 secs, reinstall then bump motor over, if its only going to be 2 or 3 months i wouldn't bother

12-11-2009, 02:58 PM
if its only going to be 2 or 3 months i wouldn't bother

i agree....stabilize the gas and then use it every chance you get.