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View Full Version : 2010 CWB Faction 144

01-10-2010, 02:34 AM
Currently riding a 2008 CWB Faction 144, have been considering buying the 2010 version for the upcoming season, it has been re-designed this year and has been getting great reviews. I am also considering the CWB Transcend 142. Both boards look good, anyone riding one of these. I will order either with the hinge tech bindings which I really like, easy to get in and out of with a great tight fit.

The new 2010 Faction has a longer spine for softer landings a new more aggressive rocker. I am an intermediate rider, 6'1" 195 lbs, also looking for any other recommendations on different boards. I have started on a CWB so I like them, never have riden anything else.

2010 CWB Faction....

2010 CWB Transcend...

01-11-2010, 11:47 AM
I wish I could say that I have experience with the 2010 models, but as I look out my window at 5 inches of snow, wakeboarding seems like forever away. I have been riding the 08 transcend for the past two summers and I am still amazed by it. At 5'10" and 215 pounds I am not excatly the model for a wakeboarder. But, the Transcend seems to release off the wake really well, and more importantly for me, cushion the landings. I rode a Liquid Force Trip for years before this board and always had sore knees and even suffered a couple impact injuries. Since I got the transcend I haven't had any problems. I have started taking my grabs and raleys (some landed, most not) into the flats, something I dreaded with my old board.

I don't imagine the boards have gotten any worse in the past two years, so when the time comes I won't have any concerns buying the newest Transcend.

Just my two cents.

01-11-2010, 12:16 PM
I have not ridden CWB for many years, I would love to give them another try. I am pretty biased towards Liquid Force as I have been buying their boards since the company was created. IMO they have the groundbreaking designs. I ALWAYS try 8-10 boards before I buy a new one, and they have always had that 'special feel' when you ride them. The Watson model alone sells more boards than most board companies entire lines.

Note that the Trip is a a continuous rocker board and does not have much rocker or much spine. Since is it also a wider board, it has pretty tough landings. All of LF's new (last three years) boards, including the new redesigned Trip, have GREAT spines. Most use multiple spines.

IMO they are still making cutting edge bottom designs. Also they have great edges (forgiving while still performing), very lightweight and great pop off the wake with a 3-stage that is aggressive but still very very stable.

01-14-2010, 02:17 AM
I picked up a 2009 CWB Transcend Platty 142 the other day, I could not pass it up for $150. It has some cool features like removeable tail fins, with different sizes that come with the board. Also has a full spine down the center for (hopefully) softer landings. The older I get, this is becoming more of a nice feature! I am going to purchase the 2010 CWB Vapor Hingetech bindings with velcro, they have been getting awesome reviews... no more strings! Nice thing about this board is my oldest son can also ride it.

Picture of the board:

These are the bindings:

Can hardly wait for some warmer weather!!!

01-15-2010, 02:00 PM
Fman that is a GREAT deal on Trancend P!! The full spine is a kneesaver, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

Only thing I would say about those bingings is that there are two distinct inner liner pieces you can see (front of foot/ankle and heel/rear ankle of foot). These are held together by the overlay. Adjustable velcro and the hinge.

Then take a look at the CWB Answer (or LF Watson like mine)
They use a single-piece inner liner. This is much more comfortable and no pressure points. I noticed the 09 Answer used a two-piece inner liner too.

You were commenting on the laces too? I used to hate laces on bindings but they dont bother me anymore I think they are much improved over years ago.

01-20-2010, 04:28 AM
I ride a Faction from about 2007 I think. The Flat Black version. The problem (I think) is that I have the 138 and I am 6 feet, 215lbs and I think I need the bigger one. FMAN, let me know if you are getting rid of the 144. Or if anybody would want to trade a 138 for a 144. I am guessing that shipping a wakeboard isn't really cheap though. We could look into it. Let me know.

01-20-2010, 06:32 PM
Tay you DEF need something bigger. IMO I would go right to a 144. Demo!

01-21-2010, 01:14 AM
Fman that is a GREAT deal on Trancend P!! The full spine is a kneesaver, you will wonder how you ever lived without it.

Only thing I would say about those bingings is that there are two distinct inner liner pieces you can see (front of foot/ankle and heel/rear ankle of foot). These are held together by the overlay. Adjustable velcro and the hinge.

Then take a look at the CWB Answer (or LF Watson like mine)
They use a single-piece inner liner. This is much more comfortable and no pressure points. I noticed the 09 Answer used a two-piece inner liner too.

You were commenting on the laces too? I used to hate laces on bindings but they dont bother me anymore I think they are much improved over years ago.

Those LF Watsons are nice, but I have heard great reviews on the velcro. I had the hingetech faction bindings on my 144 Faction and really liked them. I think the velcro will be even better, and will hold better than the laces.

I just sold my 144 '08 Faction today, will be ordering the bindings very soon.

01-21-2010, 09:27 AM
Tay you DEF need something bigger. IMO I would go right to a 144. Demo!

Ya I think I am going to go to the shop here and see if I can demo a few boards. That may help me getting over this plateau that I am at (not that it is very high anyway). I may try to look for an older CWB in a bigger size. I LOVE the bindings like FMAN was saying, I bet the velcro will be awesome. New "old" boards look like you can get them for about $150 bucks online. Might see if the shop has some of last years models too.

01-25-2010, 03:08 PM
I was just trying to say that the laces dont suck as bad as they used to. Velcro should be much firmer. :)