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View Full Version : Hydrofoil Air Chair

01-21-2010, 02:35 PM
I have been looking for a sued hydrofoil air chair or sky chair. Is one better than the other? Also I saw that on the air chair web site they have the standard air chair on sale for $999.00 which seems like a pretty good price. Any feedback would be appreciated.

01-21-2010, 02:39 PM
Check with "FoilTech", on this forum. He will have a lot of answers for you!

01-21-2010, 05:47 PM
csuggs - foiltech now goes by KO1 on the forum.

There are a lot of answers to give!

Tamu... can you say anything about what you are really looking for?
Have you ever ridden one?

There are lots of differences between the models and for some, you don't need
the more $$ until you're a pretty advanced rider.

01-22-2010, 06:49 PM
I don't understand how them things work! I watched someone pop out of the water maybe 4-5 ft in the air and pop back in and then back out,, kinda crazy looking!

01-22-2010, 07:27 PM
I just got back into water skiing, wake boarding and wake surfing this summer. I was into performance boats for many years and really just missed the water sports. Hopefully an old dog can be taught new tricks. I have always wanted to try a hydro foil air chair and get one but just did not really want to spend the money. I have never ridden one but just got off the phone with a guy that lives in Austin where I am at and he is one of the top ten riders and he has given me some advice and offered to let me try a couple of different ones to see how they perform. So I am really just looking for something for a beginer. I did notice on Air Chairs website that they have a special going on the standard model for $999.00. The guy I was talking to has a friend who is selling his sky chair a PRO ST 6000 series for $1200, I don't know much about them and if this is a good price or not? Any reccommendations for a beginner?

01-22-2010, 07:49 PM

ONLY 4-5 feet??? then it was ROOKIE!

These things are AMAZING ... here are a few photos of my wife on her foil.

(this is a grandmother!)

http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs005.snc3/11268_1300064346849_1387647550_849078_7477646_n.jp g


search youtube for "hydrofoil" -- if you can find Todd Kyser - watch that one,

KO1 -- got some links?