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View Full Version : 2009 21V Launch - Acme 1235, 1273 clearance issues???

03-01-2010, 04:27 PM
Man I'm irritated, i just got off the phone with Delta prop and they said running either of these props (acme 1235 or 1273) will have clearance issues with the rudder. What?!? I've heard tons of people running these props with maybe a clearance at the trailer ( area directly under the prop ). I've waited 4 months to order this and now I hear this crap, wtf.

03-01-2010, 06:46 PM
I have an OJ prop, 14.25x14 - and I have NO ISSUES whatsoever on my 08.
I think the Acme 1235 is basically the same, isn't it?

I realize I am not answering, but I don't know how there could be a clearance problem?

Have you spoken to any other prop shop?

nettleprops.com or any of the others? Perhaps someone at skidim.com might help, or
there is always Jim at Viper.

03-01-2010, 07:37 PM
the 1235 prop is 14.25x14.25 and they recommend a prop #1833 with dimensions of 14x14.25

03-01-2010, 08:51 PM
Yeah I called Acme and talked to their rep and he said he has been getting feedback from the Supra dealers that the 1235 prop the clearances are way to tight and the props could contact the trailer when putting the boat back on the trailer. He said one option is to jack up the pads that the boat rests on or just go with a different prop 1833 which is a 1/4 in. smaller (14x14.25). There can't be that big of a difference, performance wise, from 14.25x14.25 to 14.0x14.25. And the smaller prop is about $70 cheaper.

03-02-2010, 12:34 PM
Yeah..thats a easy trailer fix..go BIG! you can even have your trailer-prop protector lowered for less that $100.

03-02-2010, 01:12 PM
Well I ended up going with Eric at OJ props. He talked me into a 14.25x14.50. And said if there was any issues with it (clearance or performance) he'd let me exchange it. And I got a great price on it.