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View Full Version : Carpet on Boat Buddy...

03-09-2010, 06:13 PM
So I am thinking about doing this to keep the scuffs down on the nose of the boat. My question is, has anybody done it before? If so what kind of adhesive did you use? Thanks!

Oh, and I'm not really a big fan of the Boat Buddy Either. It seems like a good idea on paper but mine doesn't really work that well.... Hopefully this might help a little bit.

03-09-2010, 06:29 PM
Tay Tay,

Depending on the ramp (and the level of the water on the ramp), I have a love/hate
relationship with my boat buddy. At some levels and steepness of the ramp, it works
FANTASTIC -- others, it's a little "harder".

But - let me know how the carpet works out.

03-09-2010, 06:35 PM
I guess that is true. There are some days where it just slips right up and clicks in. Other days, not the case! I let everybody know what I end up doing.

Any ideas on a good adhesive?

03-10-2010, 05:51 PM
I hate my boat buddy!!!!!!!! As soon as it warms up and I take my boat out for the first time the good old trusty roller is going back on!!!

They talked about this on wakeworld alittle while back.


03-10-2010, 07:12 PM
Call Jerry at Boatmate and buy the new roller they're selling. You'll throw rocks at that stupid Boat Buddy when you see how much easier it is to load the boat, not to mention launching and you won't have to stand on your head trying to pull the pin to release it.

03-10-2010, 08:03 PM
Call Jerry at Boatmate and buy the new roller they're selling. You'll throw rocks at that stupid Boat Buddy when you see how much easier it is to load the boat, not to mention launching and you won't have to stand on your head trying to pull the pin to release it.

I remember you saying something about needing to do modifications to the trailer. Was that because of the roller or just a faulty trailer?

03-10-2010, 10:26 PM
The Boat Buddy wasn't the greatest idea. I'm not saying that Jerry told me that, but he said they now prefer the roller. AFter talking to him for a few months, sending a few pics, he decided that the bowstop was too high on my trailer. So I took it down there with the boat, they adjusted it, then launched/loaded the boat at a ramp. They also strengthened the bunkmounts and adjusted the brakes. It's perfect now, and the boat loads much better. They definitely are a stand-up company....

03-10-2010, 11:53 PM
Thats good that they helped you out. Unfortunately I dont have the ability to take my trailer to them because I am on the other side of the country. I will call them though and talk to them about the roller and maybe send them pictures and see what they think about it needing any adjustments and maybe we could find someone here in the northwest that could work on it if it does. Thank you for the referral John!

03-11-2010, 07:20 AM
You're trailer may be fine. Try out the roller and go from there....

03-11-2010, 01:25 PM
I have gained skill with my boat buddy over time. I like it, seems fast and easy to launch by yourself if needed. I back the trailer in so the bunks are 95% underwater (just the bow-forward tips sticking out). The bunks must be wet.

03-11-2010, 03:28 PM
Mikey, you're boat is a 1987. Nothing wrong with that, but it's a totally different world and hull shape from what we're talking about. I can load my boat on my own with the roller. With the Boat Buddy I couldn't. The BB is rubber. When the rubber would contact the boat, IT WOULD STOP THE BOAT. It would then push the truck/trailer up a few inches and then all movement would stop. It didn't matter at what depth the trailer was. If it was too low, then the boat would be stuffed. If it was too high, then the boat couldn't get far enough up the bunks. With the BB, the driver of the truck would have to have the trailer out of the water farther, then when the boat gets as far up the bunks as possible, the truck would have to back down slowly, while powering the boat on at the same time. With the roller, the nose of the bow can hit it, and the roller rolls, just like it should, allowing the boat to lift up to come on the trailer. THe BB just stopped the boat.

03-11-2010, 04:37 PM
That's really funny that you said that John because I have/had the same issue. When you load it would just stop. Or you would have to give it a little extra ump on the way up them it hits pretty hard and definetly jolts the truck and trailer. I had one guy get REALLY mad at me because I was giving it too much gas trying to get it all the way on and apparantly I was causing a rukus behind me and his boat was hitting the dock. Whoops. Anyway, I can totaly relate to what you are talking. I am acutally kind of excited about looking into a roller :D

03-11-2010, 04:47 PM
I just emailed Jerry so we will see what he says!

KY Steve
03-12-2010, 09:46 AM
AFter talking to him for a few months, sending a few pics, he decided that the bowstop was too high on my trailer.

I had the exact same problem and also talked to Jerry. I cut the bowstop down myself and pitched the BoatBuddy in the garbage...works much better with the new roller and the boat now fits the trailer with the lower bowstop.

03-12-2010, 12:01 PM
Awesome. I just ordered the roller this morning. Shipping and handling sucks I tell you, haha. I am pretty excited to get it transitioned over and hopefully have a better time at the ramp. Thanks for the input guys!

03-12-2010, 12:42 PM
Sounds nice. That is different than my experience for sure. Have a pic of this new roller at all? Glad you found a solution.

03-12-2010, 01:18 PM
This is the link to the part...


It looks like a standard roller to me.

03-12-2010, 05:44 PM
I have had boat buddies on my last 3 boats (01 X star, 06 21V, 09 24SSV) and I have never had a problem with putting my boat on the trailer. If used properly the boat buddy is great and saves someone from getting in the water to winch the boat up. It will leave a little bit of rubber on your bow so I think adding carpet is a great idea.

03-12-2010, 06:33 PM
I have had boat buddies on my last 3 boats (01 X star, 06 21V, 09 24SSV) and I have never had a problem with putting my boat on the trailer. If used properly the boat buddy is great and saves someone from getting in the water to winch the boat up. It will leave a little bit of rubber on your bow so I think adding carpet is a great idea.

Nobody's ever had to get in the water to winch mine up.

I have however had to get in the water to pull the stupid pin on the BB because it jammed the last time I'd loaded it. 5000# pulled against that pin isn't a good thing.