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View Full Version : Iphone App for browsing forums?

KG's Supra24
03-24-2010, 10:57 AM
Do we have any technology people on the forum? I know I have used my phone on multiple occasions to read the forums and have read about other people doing the same thing.

Anyone know how to make an iphone app for the forums?

03-24-2010, 11:40 AM
Do we have any technology people on the forum? I know I have used my phone on multiple occasions to read the forums and have read about other people doing the same thing.

Anyone know how to make an iphone app for the forums?

There is a vBulletin program that makes forums viewable/workable via an app, but it costs some amount of money. I don't know too much about it, I just know another forum I'm on used it in some capacity. The forum works pretty well on my iPhone as is though.

03-24-2010, 11:41 AM
I have also just used Safari (web browser) to check the forums - I wouldn't want that to be my only access method tho. Even an app on the iphone, it's just too small for these old eyes, I guess.

KG's Supra24
03-24-2010, 12:06 PM
Agreed, it is too small for your only access method. Just thought it would be a convenient method if it was easy to get setup.

iwakeboard, also agreed that it works pretty good on the browser, but had hoped on something more convenient. An easy way to load pictures and just a more small screen friendly format.

Matt Laird
03-24-2010, 02:33 PM
Speaking of an Iphone app, I would love to see one that gave you access to lake information, including but not limited to wind speed, water level, water temp exc I would be willing to pay 10 bucks for it if needed...

03-24-2010, 02:38 PM
There is one for boat launches but that's it so far... this is a budding little industry!

03-24-2010, 04:29 PM

Forum owner can download the free plug-in to activate Tapatalk in your forum.

Tapatalk - Online Community at your fingertips!

Your forum's app on iPhone/Android/Nokia! It takes only 10 minutes and it's free!

Only 3 easy steps to make your forum's app on iPhone/Android/Nokia:
Registration to the Forum Owner Area is free and easy. Once you enter, you will be guided by the 3 step wizard. The first step is to download a Tapatalk Plugin that's compatible with your forum system (Currently vBulletin and phpBB3 are supported). The Plugin is designed to be safe and easy to install/uninstall. It does not modify or replace any of your current system configurations however it inherits all of your forum security policies. And uninstall is as easy as removing a directory.
Once you have installed the Plugin, you can submit your forum information including your forum URL and logo to be displayed on iPhone/Android/Nokia app. The wizard can also determine whether you have installed the plug-in successfully. This allow your forum members to access to your forum without entering your forum URL on the mobile device.
Assuming you have installed the latest Tapatalk Plug-in at your server, your forum is ready to be published to Tapatalk Network so your members can find their way to your forum using the Tapatalk app on iPhone/Android/Nokia. You can either make it appear to everyone (great for exposure!) or set it as "Search Only" where only people knowing your forum name can discover it.

FAQ from Forum Owner:
Q: How much does it cost?
A: As a forum owner you are free to publish your forum to a Tapatalk Network, however we charge a US$2.99 a copy of Tapatalk iPhone downloaded from the Apple App Store. A free "Read Only" version is also provided for evaulation. Tapatalk Android is currently in beta and you can download the free app by searching "tapatalk" in Android Market.

Q: Which forum system does it currently support?
A: Currently phpBB3 3.0.x and vBulletin 3.7, 3.8 and 4.0 are supported. IPB (Invision Power Board) will also be supported in Februray 2010 time-frame

Q: I have multiple forums, Can I publish more than one forum on Tapatalk Network?
A: Yes, you can and additional forums are free also.

Q: Do you do rebranding / private white label for my forum?
A: Yes, contact us for rate and more information.

Q: What about a client for Blackberry?
A: This is currently in development and will be available in February 2010 time-frame. You don't need to install anything else to get it working with Blackberry devices.

Q: How does the Tapatalk Plug-in work with my forum system security?
A: The Plugin is designed to inherit all security policies from your forum system. For example, if a specific sub-forum is a restricted access, the Tapatalk iPhone client would not be able to access it unless the logging member has the authority to access it.

Q: Is this service compatible with all other 3rd party modifications that I have installed on my forum system?
A: While we don't guarantee the Tapatalk Plugin will work with all your existing modification. The 15-days free-trial period allows you to experiment the compatibility. We have tested with many forums with certain degree of modifications and majority of them work well with Tapatalk. Support for modified forums are courtesy basis only and we will not provide refund or any trouble-shooting if it is found that your modification caused the Tapatalk from working as designed.

Q: My organization also developed a forum system, how I can make it compatible with the Tapatalk app so our customers / members would be able to use the same app to access?
A: We can provide different level of support to assist you to develop a similar plugin system that speaks the Tapatalk language. Just drop us an email of what you have in mind.

Still have questions? Visit our Tapatalk Community Forum where you can chat with us and other forum owners that's on Tapatalk!

© 2009 Quoord Systems Limited.. All rights reserved.
Tapatalk is a fully owned by Quoord Systems Limited.

03-24-2010, 07:12 PM
I have tossed the idea of adding this "tapatalk" system to the board to the man
that really runs it - I'm just a moderator.

I will let know all know what I hear back.


03-25-2010, 08:12 AM
Hey all,

Here is what I heard back from the administrator of this site (and the Moomba one)
(no dates though)

Very interesting.. I hadn't seen this one yet. We've got a software update on the board for both the Supra and Moomba forums and will add this mod to the list..

Thanks for passing this one along...


KG's Supra24
03-25-2010, 08:17 AM
Nice work ScottnAz.

Matt Laird, sounds like a big undertaking but it would be cool.

Thanks tg, looking forward to seeing how it works!

03-25-2010, 10:46 AM

03-25-2010, 12:53 PM
What is the app for the boat launches?

03-25-2010, 02:45 PM
Here ya go!

Boat Launches app for iphone

03-25-2010, 03:33 PM
Very nice app.

06-08-2010, 07:57 PM
Did this ever get added?

06-08-2010, 11:01 PM
Not yet, sorry. The admin doesn't even work for Skiers Choice and does
this in his "spare time".

I do use tapatalk on another forum - works pretty well, but I use the Safari browser for this one, and it works fine.

06-09-2010, 04:13 PM
Great idea. It'd be nice to have an app for the forum that had mobile pic uploading.

03-12-2011, 12:30 AM
Hi guys. Here it is a while later and I see it's still not added. Any updates on this?

03-13-2011, 03:20 AM
Yeah I'm interested too, it'd be so convenient to have

03-13-2011, 12:34 PM
I left this with the administrator of the system a year ago ... heard nothing since. Hmmm

Just sent him another email asking if he was going to be able to do this.

03-17-2011, 10:18 PM
Maybe ask him to make you an admin instead. It's easier from his perspective and then you can add it. It should only take him 5 minutes to change the permissions on your account

03-17-2011, 10:49 PM
Stinky - I asked for that over a year ago ...

03-18-2011, 09:03 AM
I would support the decision if he needs to ask for our opinions.

It sucks having an absent admin. When things need to get done it takes too long. Its good the mods on this board are active. But it still nice to have a "leader" that is around as well

03-18-2011, 04:44 PM
Kurt is usually VERY reactive, like when we ask for new forums, etc - that usually
happens in a day.

However - he doesn't work for Skiers Choice, evidently they pay him to provide
the boards - I don't know if they are still paying him or not, or whether he's just
doing this.

He also said he can't have anyone being admin.

He had said he has to do an upgrade of the version of the board software, which
is not trivial in order to enable tapatalk.

Sad that it's not being done, but glad we still have the board...


03-18-2011, 04:48 PM
thats too bad. I guess beggars cant be choosers

03-18-2011, 10:32 PM
Out of date vbulletin software is going to bite us all in the arse, in a big way, if he's not keeping up with the updates/upgrades. It's only a matter of time. Yes, major updates are no trivial task, but, they're done with success, everyday. He should be paid for his work on this forum, without question. However, if someone isn't aggressive or self confident enough in their skills to ask for and justify payment for services rendered, then that person can't use the excuse, "I don't get paid". I'm certainly not blasting Kurt here, just making a statement that services are being rendered and he's not being compensated for those services.

Heck, what'd it cost to pay someone to take the time to perform the update to version 4.x? Is it a matter of SC being too cheap to pay Kurt, or anyone else, to do the update, or is it a matter of SC being too cheap to pay the $200 for the license renewal. Either way, pay it, add it to your yearly overhead expense, adjust your markup, and move on.

Step up Skier's Choice, and pay this cat what he's worth and deserves to provide this service and experience for YOUR customers. Otherwise, I'm certain it'd be pretty simple to convince Dave to create areas within Wakeworld for owners, ie: Supra, Moomba, Malibu, Mastercraft, etc. Heck, why wouldn't he? Everyone would stop going to manufacture forums all together, there'd be no need.