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View Full Version : 2009 20 SSV Launch NEED HELP

07-10-2010, 01:11 PM
I have a 2009 20 SSV and I cant seem to find a perfect speed,ballast wake plate combo to make the best wake. I like to ride on around a 60 foot rope at around 21mph. Can anyone help me out? Thanks

07-10-2010, 04:33 PM
ya AB!!!

whats the problem?? too fast too slow or is the wave not shaping up?

always have the boat level with weight no too much on left or right side.

maybe ride at 65' or even 70' I find it best when I am coming into the wake if i am5 ft infront of the wash, I ride at 70' i think and 22.7mp/h 2006 22ssv

maybe your speedo is off a bit??? that can screw a guy up.

I would fill the centre locker and run 300lbs in each rear. make sure they asre filled equally.

good luck

07-11-2010, 12:34 PM
Not sure on the 20, but with my 22 I am getting the best wake at 65' with just the center filled up (400 lbs), wakeplate at 1/4 down and 22-22.5 MPH. Its REALLY nice with this setup, when I start filling the rears I tend to get port side washout.

Might want to give this a try with your 20.

07-23-2010, 12:03 PM
I have a 2010 22ssv sunsport. I have played with the ballast + extra.
Most people donot have enough bow ballast. I find that on the 22 I get the best wake between 0-25% on the wakeplate. I have upgraded rear bags 750lbs per side, I have run it with full center +400lbs+1100lbs bow. This was the setup that I used with some of the top Riders in Alberta they all had to bump there normal riding speed of 24.5 mph to 26 mph and even needed to shorten there rope.

I went out after them and dump the center ballast about 300lbs, with the plate around the 15-20% mark the wake was nice and clean big and hard.
You should be able to get a good wake with factory ballast full, adjust your speed for how the board rides in the water and to maintain a clean wake, you will need to adjust your rope for the width of the wake especially if you are going wake to wake, adjusting the wakeplate should allow you to adjust the height/how steep the wake is. I have heard that the 20 ssv has a really nice wake.

You must always keep the weight in the boat ballanced (equal weight from side to side)

07-28-2010, 05:21 PM
I talked to a guy last week with a 20 and he said he fills his front sac full and the rear about half. I havent ridden behind it so i can't confirm.

07-28-2010, 05:31 PM
On our 06 20, I fill the factory bags full and run the plate exaclty in the middle with a 65ft line at 21.5. On glass, we back down to about 21.