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View Full Version : How to ollie

07-11-2010, 10:52 PM
This is my first boat, and I coming up on the 1 year mark. Finally got some good time spent on it in the last 2 months. I finally feel comfortable to start trying things (tricks). Landing some 180's over the wake, just landed some 180's out of the wake this weekend. My biggest problem now is riding switch.

So here's the deal
1. Any one got some good tips to learn how to ollie.
2. Any one got good tips about fighting the awkwardness of riding switch.
3. Any other good tips are also invited.

07-12-2010, 06:55 PM
Hey DB

Did you try going to the trick room link at the top of this site? Good info in there.

saltare inverts
07-12-2010, 09:25 PM
Yea you want to ollie by putting pressure on back leg and lifting front leg up. Then quickly lift back leg up to pop yourself in the air. Its just like a bunny hop on a bycycle.

07-12-2010, 09:36 PM
yeah. I watched the basic learnig with the ollie heelside backside 180. Everything else is out of my league at the moment.

07-13-2010, 07:53 AM
As for the switch thing, there's only one tip...practice, period. The more you do it, the more comfortable you will get, there's no trick to it.

As for ollieing, i assume you're talking about in the flats. The idea it to pressure down with your back leg to create a small wake and pop off it. Not horribly difficult, but takes some practice to get dialed in.

good luck!!!

07-13-2010, 10:11 AM
start with small bunny hops and then try to increase your height later. Don't try to 'jump'. Instead think like you're on a trampoline. You have to bounce down and the water will pop you up. The water ollie has a natural rythem to the stomp part so start small and learn the timing of the bounceback.

Once you're going beyond the small bounce, bend your knees deeper and push off your back leg a little harder. Suck your knees up to your chest and throw your trailing arm out for style. Keep the tip up if you're bonking stuff, this way if you dont quite get the height you will not catch your tip.

07-13-2010, 06:52 PM
thanks guy's. I thought i was doing pretty good until i landed the 180 and can't ride switch. I'm 10 times better than i was that day, but it;s like starting all over again. We'll see if i can't figure out this ollie thing next time at the lake.

07-16-2010, 12:28 PM
I started doing surface 180's. I pull hard on the line so that it gets slack, then spin the board around. (I ride left foot forward, so when riding switch, I hold the handle with my right hand only to straighten the board out after rotating). I find it more stable bending my knees more and settling it down. Riding switch more often will build comfortability. Now, I don't need the slack in the rope to switch the board after 5 times of doing it.

07-17-2010, 12:12 AM
For the orbital flushes you will be encountering when catching an edge :D, a helmet has been a huge help for me. Not so much for faceplants, but hitting your head at 22.4 MPH on the water can actually give you a good headache.

Also, when you are spinning the board on the water if you slow down a little for practicing it makes the falls a little easier on the body. Hmmm.... I must be getting older!

Just my .02.....

saltare inverts
07-19-2010, 09:21 AM
I just skip all surface 180s. Its is easier(for me) to just jump the wake and spin or ollie and spin. Thats how I teach also. That fall seems softer because of the time you have to prep for hard fall. When falling during surface 180 you have little to no time before your head is hitting the water. Side note, when you fall on any trick blow water out your nose as you hit the water. If front fall put arms in front of face to deaden the blow and when back fall spread out like a jumping jack. That spreads impact through whole body. These tricks have immensely reduced pain from hard falls. No Pain, No Gain.

07-19-2010, 11:30 AM
a nice way to reduce pain and impact is practice at slower speeds. way softer on the body. when i was learning switch or a new trick i would ride at 18 or so and when i get the trick down at slower speeds i'll bump it up to 24 and try and go across the wakes with it. this works great for learning and you can stay out twice as long before your beat up.

07-19-2010, 12:54 PM
No Pain, No Gain.

Ours is "If you Ain't wreckin'. You Ain't tryin'. (to get better).

07-21-2010, 10:54 AM
Good info on how to fall. Me and my buddies seem to be really good at face plants. I still waiting for video footage to be awesome because of tricks instead of awesome because we eat it so bad.