View Full Version : pvc board strength?

07-21-2010, 05:39 PM
looking to use the 4 x 8 sheets of pvc board for my floor. Does anyone know if they will be strong enough? they are expensive but after you buy treated ply and glass it, there is not a hole lot of difference.

07-22-2010, 12:24 AM
Intriguing idea.

There should be material specs from the manufacturers on the web that would compare it to plywood. I've never heard of this stuff.

Do you have to glass it? I don't think the floor is glassed for strenght as much as it is for durability and protection from water. PVC wouldn't need the moisture protection.

07-22-2010, 04:39 PM
dont think you would have to glass it. I like the idea of not having wood. I was fortunate that all my stringers were'nt shot. I am replacing the motor mount with seacast and amd treating the rest of the stingers with cpes from rot doctor. Im drying the boat out with a dehumidafier at the momoent. It has dried out tremedously since last weekend. my foam is completlt try and the stringers are getting there. I plan to let it run for atleast another month checking daily.