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View Full Version : Too Much Bow Weight?????

08-09-2010, 09:55 PM
How much is too much?

My wife and I went out today and since it was just the 2 of us, we decided (well I decided :rolleyes: )to play around with the weight.

I filled the 1100 surf side rear sac up, filled the 650 ski locker sac, moved and filled the 400 lb sac above the playpen, and added the other 400lb sac to the bow being pushed as far forward and to the surf side as much as possible. The wave was absolutely gorgeous. It was super clean and long.

However, the front was really riding low. I hung my head over the bow and the eye was 1/2 under water. I really felt unconfortable with this arrangement. So, I drained the forward most 400 and this raised the eye about 12" out of the water. The wave was still AMAZING.

So, does this seem to anyone else like I had to much weight to keep things safe? I know it made me uncomfortable but so did surfing for the first time in general with the boat being listed over to the side.

08-09-2010, 11:48 PM
I drained the forward most 400 and this raised the eye about 12" out of the water. The wave was still AMAZING.
You just answered your own question :)
I've noticed there comes a point where too much weight is either counterproductive, or doesn't make the wave any better. If you can get a similar wave without the extra 400, then there's obviously no point in filling it. I've started dialing back my setup to see where the happy medium is between surfable wake and weight.
I'd be nervous if my bow hook was anywhere near the water, and I think that's saying a lot....you've seen pictures of my setup....:)

08-11-2010, 11:39 PM
The wave was amazing and effortless to clean up but it was a slightly longer pocket with the extra sac. However, I was really uncomfortable with that setup. I'll try placing the extra 400 somewhere else and see what results I get.

Yep, my wife would be riding the dock if I tried your amt of weight. I make her nervous anyways and you know the saying..."if momma aint happy, nobody's happy".

08-12-2010, 12:19 PM
I know our boats are totally different, but they both have the super deep vee in the nose. I use about 1klbs in the back and then I use 400 lbs in the bow, pressed up against the hull. I have played with moving it as far towards bow as possible, but I settles with it a bit closer to the middle of the boat. On my boat this really makes the pocket longer and takes a bit of the steepness out of the wave. My boat lists quite a bit.