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View Full Version : Fresh Air Exhaust Installed

08-26-2010, 10:41 AM
Took about 4 hours (included cleaning up the transom a lot once I removed the swim deck.) It also involved fabricating those support brackets under the swim deck from the provided square stock that Larry sent me. It wasn't all that hard and made a pretty big difference in the sound behind the boat. I did have an issue with the screws that were holding on my supratrapps -- they didn't seem to bite into enough material to get a good seal on the new flanges. I went out surfing last night and came back and was missing 2 screws... My auto-bilge was running a LOT. Will get some longer/larger screws and redo it tonight.


08-26-2010, 10:51 AM
I'm pretty jealous of that transom light. Saw one this weekend on my friends 91 Comp. I wish I had one stock.
Good luck with the longer screws. I have two that tighten but turn free after that. I rely on the 3M to hold them in. Pretty much the reason I havn't bought the FAE. I hope they seal up for you. Good luck.

08-26-2010, 11:05 AM
I believe that the stern light is required by the USCG for any boat larger than 23 feet. I've replaced my bulb with an LED one. It is a nice thing to have!

08-26-2010, 11:39 AM
Sorry if you misunderstood. I have a pole light. Very plain jane. Very legal. Very Coast Guard approved. I also have an upgraded tower light that is very visible. I just liked the small, very sleek, stock, transom light. My boat is only 19.5ft- but always safety first.

08-26-2010, 01:06 PM
Lookin good!! I used much bigger, longer screws than were in the SupraTraps to get good wood.

08-26-2010, 01:36 PM
Lookin good!! I used much bigger, longer screws than were in the SupraTraps to get good wood.

Thats what she said.

08-26-2010, 01:55 PM
Sorry if you misunderstood. I have a pole light. Very plain jane. Very legal. Very Coast Guard approved. I also have an upgraded tower light that is very visible. I just liked the small, very sleek, stock, transom light. My boat is only 19.5ft- but always safety first.

Nope, I understood. As I read the USCG regulations it says that boats larger than 23' require a stern light (that is on while under power) in addition to an anchor light (which needs to be on while under power or while moored.) The anchor light needs to be 360degree visible, but I believe the stern light only needs to be 135degree.

Okie Boarder
08-26-2010, 05:01 PM
Looks good!

08-27-2010, 12:02 AM
Wotan, where'd you get the led bulb for your transom light, I replaced mine with a standard bulb, but would love to have an led in there....
BTW FAE looks great.....

08-29-2010, 06:10 AM
Hey Wot,

The FAE looks great!

Can you elaborate on "a pretty big difference in the sound"? How's the noise level in the boat? on the board? Have you noticed much of an impact on top speed, handling, or other performance?

Since the topic of transom lights came up. I've got a replacemt LED stern light to install on my Salt - almost an exact fit, but no gasket??? When your weighted for surfing, does the stern light get submerged? Just curious how critical the seal will be. Thanks.

oh yeah - the FAE looks great!

08-30-2010, 04:59 PM
The exhaust noise is almost gone while at idle -- I plan on insulating my engine cover next. It honestly didn't make as large of a difference inside the boat while surfing as I had hoped (though, I did have some leaks around the exhaust flange my first day out that I have since resolved.) I would say it cut the noise from behind the boat by around 50%. It was very easy to hear the driver talk while you were surfing -- I don't remember that ever being possible before.

My stern light does not get submerged @ idle or surf speed, but it does get hit with water all the time. I'd use some RTV or silicone to seal it up just to be safe.

08-31-2010, 12:18 PM
Idle is so quiet you can hear the flywheel turn. But it still rumbles! Surfing you can TALK not yell to the rider. Cruising fast you can hear the water against the hull.