View Full Version : Velvet Drive Wiring

09-24-2010, 11:02 PM
Hey Gang,

1983 Supra with a 440 and velvet drive. What do the the two wires coming off the velvet drive go to and/or purpose.


09-25-2010, 01:54 AM
I need a little more detail, but my guess is you are refering to the neutral lock-out switch. Two wires conect to studs on the drivers side of the gearbox. These studs are a part of an internal switch meant to prevent the starter from cranking when the gearbox is in gear. These wires run from the battery, back to the nuetral switch, then fwd to the starter switch.

09-25-2010, 08:10 PM
Second what Rick said. Most outboards and i/o's boats have a neutral safety switch incorporated in the shifter itself, but most inboard trans have an internal switch that's tied to the starter to prevent the engine from cranking in gear.