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View Full Version : Proud 1st time owner

CDN 2001 SSV
10-14-2004, 08:41 AM
I just wanted to say hi to everybody in Supra-Land, I have been looking for almost 2 years to find the exact piece of marine artwork and have now found it. Thanks (in part)to the relatively strong Canadian dollar I brought home a (slightly) used 2001 Supra Launch SSV. I have been reading all your posts about these magnificant boats to ensure my decision. Being from Canada, it is important to find one with a heater AND the heated shower (amazing option!)
I look forward to adding my insight to the forums in the coming years and learning from everyone else\\\'s experience\\\'s.
Enough back-rubbing! Time for me to winterize.
Special hello to any other Canadian (Ontario) Supra owners. ;)