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View Full Version : Memorial Day 2011

Okie Boarder
01-10-2011, 01:13 PM
So, I'm really wanting to join you guys for the Memorial Day get together at Texoma. I'm in the process of planning several trips for this year so wanting to get all my ducks in a row.

First of all, is it still planned to have the trip?

What type of cost should I budget for the campsite?

Do y'all do any group meal type things that need to be pitched in for or does everyone do their own thing?

Could someone give me the name of the campsite again?

KG's Supra24
01-10-2011, 03:16 PM
As far as I know it is still on. I am trying to make it down as well. Sorry I have no relevant info for you.

Chad or dusty will surely chime in.

01-10-2011, 08:02 PM
It is still on. Everyone is in and I think we have some Non-supra people in as well. We will keep their boats out of pics though. I think from this site we have the following in so far.... Matt, Dusty, Jet, Gravity, and myself as well as all the wives. I think KG is still a questionmark.

Campsite is Platter Flatts. It is 20$ per day and the sites fill up quick. We all stay on the B side. I know Dusty, Matt and I already have our spots reserved. If you are tenting, You can cram up to 12 people or so in a spot. I would say 4 tents max per spot. But it's pretty cheap so might as well get the room if you can. As far as food goes, We all bring our own. There are grills on each site so cook away.

We usually wakeboard in the morning, hang out during the day, wakeboard in the evening, and surf at midnight.

Come one come all. Look for the Supra banner and Monster easy up.


01-10-2011, 09:34 PM
Okie- check in over at our texas and oklahoma social group here on the forum. We are already forbidding it. Site info is posted there as well. And as chad suggested, if your gonna book, do it this week. I can advise you on spots if you have any questions.

Okie Boarder
01-11-2011, 12:06 PM
Thanks. I posted on the group. I would like to know more about what sites you would suggest and I'll get mine booked. We tent it and definitely like lots of room and flat area for the tents. Maybe you can keep that in mind when you recommend sites. I have some friends from up this way that might want to join us too. I assume this is a kid friendly trip, right?

01-11-2011, 12:17 PM
We will have our 4yo with us. I doubt anyone else will have kids with them.

Okie Boarder
01-11-2011, 12:24 PM
Our boys are a little older (11 and 9) and they would likely be with us, too. Just wanted to be sure this wasn't going to be "adults only". :)

01-11-2011, 12:32 PM
I posted a lengthy reply over in the s.group.