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View Full Version : Anyone Collect Supra Boats???

05-23-2011, 11:28 PM
Does anyone have more than one Supra boat???? Call me crazy, but I just bought the sister to my TS6m. Same year same, colour combo but as a Sunsport. Not sure if it is a Special Edition ... I have always loved the colour combo of my Comp and always been on the hunt for a comparable Sunsport but to no avail. Till now!!!

Leaving this weekend to go get it. (have only a verbal commitment on the boat as of now but the owner seems very trust worthy) The gel coat is discoloured and has a few soft spots in the floor but the rest of the boat is very nice.

Now for the million dollar question. Do I keep both ??? I think I bought the comp in 92 or so and after the complete interior re-do and face lift on the boat they deserve to be together. I wonder how close they are on the vin's??

Will post some pics and update after the big move!!!

05-24-2011, 05:46 AM
Cool. Can't wait to see her! I have a Sunsport and my buddy has a Comp with the same graphics as mine (or at least before I changed mine). Anyways, if I bought another boat it would be either a Comp or a drag boat - but I would not sell my Sunsport . . . too many regrets selling toys over the years. ;)

05-24-2011, 08:42 AM
If I had unlimited funds, yes I would have one of each of the classics at least. I may not have two, but I always promised myself I'd have at least one Supra in my stable at all times.

05-24-2011, 08:12 PM
I don't see any reason to have two unless maybe you're hardcore into slalom and into wake sports too. For most folks weighted for wake and unweighted for slalom is fine for the casual wake/ski person.

Though we do have an old junkie 4-banger I/O we keep at the lake house. I'm thinking it may be time to get rid of that and replace it with an older/rougher/cheaper Supra for the whole family to use up there since the I/O is getting less reliable. Would also mean I don't have to tow the Saltare up every time I go == big gas savings on a 1000 mile round trip to not have to take the truck. Of course if I could afford a fleet of classic Supras gas wouldn't be a concern...

But realistically for the average person having multiple inboards doesn't make sense as they'll all do the same thing more or less. Maybe an inboard and a go-fast or cruiser, etc... or some other combination that gives variety.

05-25-2011, 01:24 AM
I don’t think your crazy. Keep them both . What’s your wife say about it. There is a 86 sunspot around the corner for me that is setting out side with a blue tarp over it. She is just bagging for some love. I asked the owner if he wanted to sell it . Yes 2000. I know I could get for less. But the wife gave me the look.

beast 496
05-25-2011, 08:07 AM
If you want it, get it. Make sure you have room for indoor storage of both. I seem to question myself somtimes the same thing.
Why do we have 5 snowmobiles with only 3 riders? Or why do we have 8 cars/trucks to plate and insure with only 3 drivers? Just because you want to. thats it. You like it buy it. Al

05-25-2011, 09:32 AM
i haven't owned more than 1 but a buddy parked his sunsport at my place for a few months. i liked having 2 in the yard, the mrs...not so much. lol. i had the keys but didn't take his out more than once or twice.

05-25-2011, 10:35 AM
Thats like having 2!! girlfriends at the same time! They both are needy and need alot of money spent on them. lol. Its fun at 1st but It will break you after a while mentally. BUT ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN!!! lol.

05-27-2011, 08:31 PM
Leaving early this AM to get the new Sunsport... Cash in pocket, hope the border goes well. Have done my research and will have all my ducks in a row when I pull up to customs.

Have decided to play it by ear with respect to keeping both. I have lots of memories in the Comp but with the growing familly it might be time for a change. After driving both I will make my finial virdict. Perhaps both will go !!! Cash is hard to resist.....

Pics will be comming..... Nothing better than matching boats side by side 25 years later....