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04-30-2005, 12:01 PM
I'm about to install a new rubrail and extrusion on my '89 Saltare -- anyone have any helpful hints?

05-02-2005, 09:10 PM
Hello, and welcome to the board!

I figured i'd let your post sit there a couple days and see if anyone else with more experience could step up and help you out. I guess no one else has done this either.

I'm not sure what you are referring to as far as the "extrustion" is concerned. Details please. As far as the rubrail goes, as far as i know it just kinda wedges into the rubrail holder thingy (for lack of a better descriptive term). I've had mine partially come out from banging against boat docks in rough waters. When that happened, I found it pretty easy to just push the top part of the rail into the channel and then bang the bottom half in with bottom of my palm. I imagine this might get painful though trying to do an entire rail. If you are having difficulty getting it to seat, you might try lubing it up with some liquid dishwashing detergent (e.g., dawn). I also imagine you could use a small RUBBER hammer to pop it into place (exercise restraint here, you dont wanna break anything) in the areas where it is being difficult. If you take this approach, make sure that the top part is seated, and then use the mallet to pop the bottom half in.

Just a little disclaimer: i havent done this and i'm just telling you how I personally would approach it on my boat. Maybe someone with more experience can step up to the plate and shed some more light on this. Brian Raymond maybe....

Anyways, good luck with your project and let us know how it comes out. Have a great season.


05-12-2005, 10:01 PM
you can use a heat gun but be careful not to get it too hot also if it is new just soak it in a hot bucket of water or leave it in the sun for a while it will get softer. I wish I could tell you a simplier way but they can be toughI do them at my shop they can be challenging the soap trick in the earlier post works also added with the heat. Good Luck

05-12-2005, 10:07 PM
I forgot to add a plastic scraper or tongue depressor works well to help push the lip in without damaging it. I own a repair shop if you have questions or need help if i can I will give advice over the phone 770-365-2590.

Brian Raymond
05-13-2005, 12:03 AM
You can also throw the insert in the dryer (with some older towels to reduce the noise). In pinch situations, I have used a roller, for inserting screen, these are nice,( because, if you slip and run across the rubrail or gelcoat, it will not mar it), to help it into the rail. It works best when you have 2 people. The first person runs the insert by placing the bottom in first and untangling it as they move around the boat, while the second inserts the top. The 2 people should be dialed in and ready to go, because when the insert cools off and stiffens up, the profanity begins. Keep us posted. Brian Raymond

05-13-2005, 08:33 PM
I have always wanted to stand in the plant and watch them do this and see if they used the same language as i did. Rubrails are definitely easier with two people.
