View Full Version : 84 Rider project

05-29-2005, 08:11 PM
After a year, I am starting to make progress on my Rider rebuild. Buying a new house, work, and other things have stalled the project cold for a year. After talking to folks here and locally, I decided to tackle the stringer and floor repair myself. I have set up an account at shareaproject so you can see the progress. I do have the money for someone to do the work, but why pay someone to do work that I don't know is right? (I has a few yahoos tell me the stringers were OK). Besides, I will have the money to use for a Monster Tower and new interior. Don't expect it to be finished in a hurry, since I have to work it in my spart time. Here is the link to the site.


I will add to it as the work is completed.

06-01-2005, 12:33 PM
awesome pics! that's a neat site, perfect way to document the work.

i have it bookmarked and will be checking back, thanks for posting. i'm taking notes...

06-01-2005, 04:30 PM
I found this site on the iboat forum. It is free, and they host the photos. I see it getting a lot bigger as people find it. Very easy to set up with no FTP to worry about.

Thanks for the remarks. I have been searching for photos like these before I decided to tackle the boat. Supranut sent me some photos of his boat last year, and that helped me out a lot. So if these photos helps anyone else, great.
