Conversation Between saltare inverts and mapleleaf

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. No kidding, was thinking the same thing....Funny I spent the last week of my vacation on the forum cuz the weather's sucked, need more time on the water........Have boat will travel!!! LOL
  2. I'm surviving, I read once "Sometimes I'm just happy it floats",I feel the same way everyday, everything else I can fix.Your boat looks brand spanking new in that profile pic.....I like
  3. boats dry, except maybe foam......I'll tell Mikey he's it on the pic tag....
  4. woke up to a 40 mph north wind, boat low on the hoist(winch problem in the night) can't tell you how much water was in the boat......past my ankles at the helm, I've repairing and bilging since 6:30, thank god for the 1200gph tsunami!!!! the damn bench cushions were floating around like bumper boats....
  5. Your turn with more pictures. Tag your it!
  6. Hey that boat looks great, but I know you've got more pic's of it....
Showing Visitor Messages 31 to 36 of 36
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