Conversation Between SupraSaltare93 and TitanTn

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I think your best best for original graphics is Viper Customs at .
  2. Titan~

    Thanks for the suggestion on the magic eraser for the striping job on my Saltare. Any resources for getting original exterior striping for this boat and original water splash found on those Supra's or is everything just 'cut and fabricate' for boats?
  3. You should be fine in terms of the salt water investigation since you're taking an expert with you. You can take off any existing stripes with a heat gun or with a magic eraser. Mine were so baked on that I had to use the eraser. Its a rubber wheel that you put on your drill and it buffs the stripe off. Very easy and effective. Once you have the stripes off and the hull buffed, you can add stripes back. This is done with stickers/decals. The only way to paint a boat is with gelcoat and this is expensive and must be done by professionals. But you can restripe the boat with decals by yourself. You can find the magic eraser on eBay or Amazon. Hope that helps. Good luck on the boat purchase.
  4. Titan:

    Thanks for the posting about my 93' Saltare - not sure what exactly to look for regarding a salt-water running boat for damage so I'm taking an expert along with me to look at the boat. I see you are restoring a boat so I wanted to also ask you about restriping/painting my Saltare? What is the route to go? I want to restore it's original look as it is red with a yellow water line/bow stripe. Any tips? Is this typically a body/paint shop's job to do or do they just use stickers? Any resources or web sites to get Supra gear for this job would be appreciated. Thanks!

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