Conversation Between mapleleaf and docdrs

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Doug, Call me when you get a chance, I may need a favour!
    416 827 4600
  2. gidde up, AS the homeless signs read here in TO, Will work for boating...Sounds like a great offer, would have a small amount of coordination with my wife and 2 yr old, but am keeping weekends stritckly off limits for work this summer.. Should be spending quite a few of them in Pointe au Baril except for a couple weeks over the 4th of July when we go to my family's cottage in MI.... Have been in Georgian Bay before Victoria Day, say the word and I'm in.....
    My props a little dinged up from the previous owner and I wondered how much its affecting my performance, it s maybe not even a good wake prop as I seem to have a lot of top end speed.....quirks to work I guess, Johnny's first inboard!!!
  3. Ya know , i have never in 20 years of boating ever hit my prop. but i did find a cheap place in the states for new props, at least the acme i'm thinking of. the season is about to start ,I just got a new sky ski and i need someone to enjoy the experience with....ya interested?
  4. Hey Doc, Know of any good prop shops up here? Most of the Toronto Marine Mech.'s are not coming with great references....
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4