Conversation Between Moose and sybrmike

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks sybrmike. I have allready looked over your whole rebuild thread and it looks like you know what your doing. Your salty looks great. I will definatly hit you up for some advice later on. Got my baby runing good and the last week i've been working on installing the tower. Taking my time with it so it's solid. The interior is in great shape still have some interior wood to sand and oil. Trailer bunks need some attention. I'm sure some day stringers and floor too. I will post some pics when the tower is done.
  2. Hey Moose,

    Nice looking boat. I just noticed you've got my twin. 89 Saltare, black with light gray, even the same Randalls VIP trailer. Looks like you started out in much better shape than me & hope you're on the water soon. Post up some more pics when you can. Let us know if we can help. I'm no expert, but have removed and replaced literally every nut, bolt, wire, etc. in mine during the rebuild.
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