
Type: Posts; User: suprasml

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  1. Replies

    For Sale 1989 Supra Conbrio

    We took on the project of replacing the stringers and it has proven to be too much for us to do. So we have decided to sell the boat hoping someone will be able to give it the love it deserves. The...
  2. I am located in Maryland so I think that would be...

    I am located in Maryland so I think that would be a long trip for you. We also don’t plan on selling as we are planning to restore the boat, and we would only be able to get pennies for it.

  3. I am located on the East Coast but will make a...

    I am located on the East Coast but will make a road trip to find the right boat.

  4. Wanted Supra 1993 and up for Surfing and Wakeboarding under 20k

    Hi All,

    I have been unable to use our family’s beloved 89 conbrio due to the dreaded stringer rot. I currently don’t have the time and space to be able to restore the bot back to its formal...
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