Appreciate all the info everyone has shared on this topic. I've got a 1988 Supra Comp TS6M that has virtually nothing left inside the shaft I didn't know what I needed to replace. This...
Type: Posts; User: KiltedYaksman
Appreciate all the info everyone has shared on this topic. I've got a 1988 Supra Comp TS6M that has virtually nothing left inside the shaft I didn't know what I needed to replace. This...
Thanks for the info! Appreciate it.
I need a new steering cable, and blower motors for my 1988 Supra comp. Does anybody know what type/length of cable I need? Or a good place that I can get parts? I live in Abbotsford, BC, Canada. ...
Awesome! Thanks for the quick replies folks. I have a strut on there now, so all is well. I'm glad I didn't take it out on the water yet as I imagine I would've wrecked something.
I have an 88 Supra comp, and this manual for the 89 is basically identical. See what you think. It does say it's for the TS6M.
I am a newbie, just bought my first boat, a 1988 Supra Comp. It needs a fair bit of clean up, but is in pretty good running condition. I was just reading through the online manual for a 1989 Comp...