
Type: Posts; User: Hanso24V

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  1. Replies

    9/15/24 Update: 10-15% wake plate, 28 off= 47ft...

    9/15/24 Update: 10-15% wake plate, 28 off= 47ft rope, 35-36 mph. I also removed the bags, anchor, run 10gal of fuel or less, and try to find a lightwright driver and spotter :) . Still a bump in the...
  2. Replies

    I fully agree with the speed but our original...

    I fully agree with the speed but our original question came from an owner of a 22SSV. Running 35 mph @ 35' off behind a V stern like ours may get us killed or at least a double knee replacement. The...
  3. Replies

    I usually slide out of a hard cut on the slalom...

    I usually slide out of a hard cut on the slalom so the falls only hurt my ego. It's the 42mph barefoot falls that remind me just how old I am.
  4. Replies

    Finally found my go to set up behind the 24 SSV....

    Finally found my go to set up behind the 24 SSV. 65' rope at 34-35 mph with wake plate at 25-35% and light load in the boat. There is a wake but at that length and speed you hit one side and skip...
  5. Replies

    Just found my go to set up behind the 24 SSV. 65'...

    Just found my go to set up behind the 24 SSV. 65' rope at 34-35 mph with wake plate at 25% and light load in the boat. There is a wake but at that length and speed you hit one side and jump over the...
  6. Replies

    Today's boats are big and heavy even before we...

    Today's boats are big and heavy even before we put 3000lbs of water in them. Might as well throw all the cubic inches at it that you can. Displacement is where torque comes from and torque moves...
  7. Replies

    I'm giving it a try tomorrow and will report...

    I'm giving it a try tomorrow and will report back. Looking to be able to throw a wall of water without getting killed crossing the wake to do it again on the other side. I know it's not a course...
  8. Replies

    Yeah, my FIL has a Centurion Elite that would be...

    Yeah, my FIL has a Centurion Elite that would be much better. My wife loved the boat and I loved the big block power so we got what we got. Maybe I will just go back to barefooting. Its plenty fast...
  9. Replies

    24SSV Slalom set up

    I realize it's a wakeboard boat but do like to slalom once in awhile. I am assuming 35-36 mph, wakeplate down, and minimum weight will help but any tips on rope length or other tips for a good set...
  10. Replies

    Its not sexy but it works. Removed the 1"...

    Its not sexy but it works.

    Removed the 1" screws and brackets from the platform
    Cut treated 2x4's to length of bracket and painted them black. Also painted the brackets black while they were off....
  11. Replies

    My 2" platform lift kit worked awesome. I also...

    My 2" platform lift kit worked awesome. I also added a wake shaper which allows us to run our full 2700lbs of ballast. That extra weight sinks the top of the raised platform dead even with the...
  12. Replies

    I'm pretty familiar with LS based motors. They...

    I'm pretty familiar with LS based motors. They are tuned very well from the factory in most forms so I doubt there is 50 HP hiding in that ECU. Quite sure the 450 has a larger cam and or slightly...
  13. Replies

    Trailer wheel replacement, 225/45r18 ?

    The 15 year old chrome trailer wheels are showing a little rust and one is a bit bent so looking to replace. Am thinking of replacing the 205/75r14 with 225/45r18 on 18x7 rims. Trying to maintain 26"...
  14. Replies

    I have a 2006 24SSV. From our little surf...

    I have a 2006 24SSV. From our little surf experience we found it appears big boats need big weight. Kind of makes sense actually. 1150 and all passengers on the surf side with 750 in the offside...
  15. Replies

    Before I buy a new style platform I was going to...

    Before I buy a new style platform I was going to make a "2" lift kit" for my current platform in the Spring with pieces of square aluminum tubing and longer screws. Has anyone tried this "redneck"...
  16. Replies

    Draining heater hose on an 8.1

    I've gone through the boat and drained everything but am not sure where the heater hose is. Does anyone have a picture or diagram so I can verify that I have that emptied. Thanks
  17. Agreed! I plan on maintaining/using this rig for...

    Agreed! I plan on maintaining/using this rig for the next 20 years. Only 140 hrs. on it so far.
  18. My 8.1 has a pretty noticable lope and a...

    My 8.1 has a pretty noticable lope and a supercharger adds its own wrinkle so I could see where some issues could arise.

    That deep ratio on the new, heavy boats makes a lot of sense. If they run a...
  19. Buyers seem to shy away from the 8.1 because...

    Buyers seem to shy away from the 8.1 because they're worried about fuel consumption but are buying the 450hp 6.2 and 550 hp supercharged 6.2 in the newer big boats. It takes a certain amount of fuel...
  20. Surf update: Pulled surfers with 3000lbs of water...

    Surf update: Pulled surfers with 3000lbs of water and people ballast at 11.5 mph at only 2400 rpm. Easy up and ample throttle response fully loaded then dumped the water and passengers to go make a...
  21. It is the Supra cruise. Are you talking about the...

    It is the Supra cruise. Are you talking about the connections at the controls or the motor?
  22. The 1273 made the holeshot awesome and ran 46.5...

    The 1273 made the holeshot awesome and ran 46.5 mph on gps at 5000 rpm with an 800 lb. load. Pretty close to what I wanted, only 200 rpm short of ideal. Will probably run it until next Spring and...
  23. I like to longline about 42 and on our inaugural...

    I like to longline about 42 and on our inaugural run last week it went 50mph very smoothly. The 1273 is installed so tomorrow is test day and we'll see how the combo works.
  24. Glad to hear the 1433 is working well for you....

    Glad to hear the 1433 is working well for you. The 1273 is very similar to the 1433 just larger diameter with more cup. It isn't on the flowcharts for either site because those are created for the...
  25. Replies

    Good point, it is starting and running perfectly...

    Good point, it is starting and running perfectly right now. Going to leave it alone until winterization and then change the oil (15w50 M1), filter, drive fluids, impeller, fuel filter, clean the...
Results 1 to 25 of 31
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