Agree with Doug, an experienced driver can overcome the bow dip.

Some of it comes down to the lake and how much you are paying attention. We visit a calm lake and I never think about the bow. However on the busy lake we go to, I'll occasionally not be paying attention and take some water over the bow but nothing too serious. It's usually just a nice cool off for the front passengers

As for the size. We absolutely love the space we have. It maneuvers kinda like a slug but once you get used to it, no problem. Just like most inboards, but a little bigger than most.

I know of 2 24's that you won't find listed but could be for sale and would fall in your price range of high 30's to low 40's. Do you like red or black FWIW, the red 21v above sold last year for mid to low 30's at a dealership.