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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Default 2012 launch interior falling apart at the seams!

    My launch has been VERY well taken care of! Stays inside during winter and covered and lifted in summertime!for the last two years the interior has started to crack at the seams and is getting worse every time I use it. I clean it with soap and water trying to keep the harsh chemicals away as much as possible. I had a 1999 cabibria ski boat that has interior that lasted 12 years. Supra, nor the local dealer(which is horrible) have any desire to help me in coming up with a solution. When calling supra customer
    Service, the service guy tells me that with the new interiors, the material is not as good and that caked up sunblocks and tanning product will Make it deteriorate and that there was nothing they could do about it. What a horrible explanation!! I'm not asking for a free replacement as I understand the crappy one year warranty is out of date, but some help on purchasing ALL new skins for my practically brand new 80k boat would be a nice customer service gesture! The local dealer(who's as changed hands since my purchase) is charging full retail on the skins and I refuse to pay that. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Spokane, WA


    I would get a quote from a local upholstery shop. When you say you used soap and water to clean the seats, did you use any type of conditioner or protectant such as 303, Babes seat conditioner or Vinyl Sauce? What kind of soap are you using that is drying out the vinyl? Have you ever used a Magic Eraser sponge? Those sponges are terrible for vinyl, it's actually a very fine abrasive, like sand paper and it takes off the outer protective coating of vinyl.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    KC, MO


    Get yourself some 303. Stuff makes your vinyl feel like some soft baby blanket.
    2006 Supra Sunsport 20V

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