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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Talking Restoring an old bass boat: is it possible?

    My grandfather gave me a 1991 fiberglass Sprint bass boat that has been sitting is his backyard for probably around seven years. Needless to say it was in pretty terrible condition because the tarp he had on it had a huge hole ripped in it. After taking out all the rotten flooring and soaked foam, I found out that the stringers were rotten, and the wood had been rotting for so long even the fiberglass is rotted. The hull seems to be solid, and I've gotten the motor to turn over and I have tubing and wiring so that won't be a problem, it's mainly the fact that the stringers are rotten so badly. So, if I do the work myself, is it possible to fix things up? And if I did, any price estimates? I don't have any experience working on boats, so Thanks a lot for your help. image.jpg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hudson, WI


    Anything is possible but unless this has incredible sentimental value, you're going to be better off finding a used one with good wood and starting there. I don't know what size the boat is but figure $2k-3k just in materials for new fiberglass stringers.
    Former owner of a 1987 Supra Saltare. Current owner of a Malibu 23LSV.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Flowery Branch Georgia


    The key is the engine, if its not good you will be better off just buying a different boat. You are looking at 1500-2500 in cost for the stringers and floor if you do it yourself.
    How is the interior, trailer and exterior? Your question isn't can it be done but more like is it a smart thing to do. If its not a labor of love it will probably not be worth it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2016


    The engine is good, and the trailer is good. I would need to get new seats and cushions because those rotted. The main concern is being able to properly restore the stringers because I don't know much about it. I guess it's just lots of research and advice

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