
I bought a new 2007 22SSV about a month ago and have been lurking for some time... so I guess this is me introducing myself. I will get some real pictures and more info up about my new boat when I get it pulled out of storage and get some photos of my own... but until then, I'm doing projects and need help.

I'm wiring tower speakers, and cannot get the wiring to run through the base of the tower. I've tried using the string & vac method, the fish-tape method, but neither has worked... The hole through the fiberglass seems VERY small (in fact, with the fish-tape I can't feel one at all, but I know it's there because the tower light wires run through it...). I've tried going from both the top and bottom -- no luck either way. Does the tower need to be removed so a bigger hole can be drilled??

I'm sure I'm not the first to have this problem but couldn't find any other posts about it. Any ideas or advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you and I look forward to adding more to this forum in time!!
