Have a 1995 Comp TS6M with the GT40 351. I am pretty sure that the previous owner hit something with the rudder, and I am also pretty sure that this is the boat I have now: https://forum.supraboats.com/showthr...anyone-has-one

Don't know how hard things got hit, but I'm trying to determine if there was fiberglass work done. The rudder has to have a number of washers put in to space the tiller arm up high enough that the rudder sits flush to the boat underneath by the prop. Also odd, is that there is no rear drain plug. The features surrounding it are all there, and if someone did fiberglass work, they did a pretty good job...

The tiller arm needs about 5/8" spacing to make the rudder sit correctly in the boat. Is there a piece of plywood or something missing in the area that the rudder port sits?

For example, see the second picture in this thread: https://forum.supraboats.com/showthr...steering-cable

If you look beyond the FAE, you can see where the drain plug would be, but it doesn't exist.

Thoughts on this are appreciated! Thanks everyone.