I really didn't tell the entire story last night on the top cap. This shop was originally going to begin the stringer job in December of 2019 and so I had the cap off the weekend after Thanksgiving that year. The removal went super smooth and we did everything by the book. Well, maybe not everything.

Forum member NGAVChris (who happens to be my brother also) gave up one of his Saturdays to come help me. It was actually fun to do but a little nerve wracking at the same time because we just weren't sure how strong the top cap was or wasn't. At the end of the day, Mischief IV was in two pieces again for the 3rd time in her career.

Brief history lesson: I actually purchased this boat from NGAVChris in October of '99 after he purchased his '97 Sunsport. He had a partial stringer repair done in early 90s for Mischief and by 2006 or 2007, the lag bolts for the motor mounts pulled out with ease. Of course, if you've read the previous posts and you're still here, then you know how great the second stringer job went. I thought I was done with top cap renovations after 2009. Boat ran great for 5 seasons before more signs of trouble. I even said to the wife, we should sell it. She said why? I said nothing left to do. Famous last words.

Back to December 2019 and top cap mishap. Some heavy rains moved in and you can guess how this ends before I spell it out to you. My mistake was in the tarp situation trying to protect the top cap from sun damage and I failed and failed miserably. The weight of the water was too much. I got rushed the evening we took it off and now I play it over and over in my head where I went wrong. Should have had some more support for it and a place for the water to go. I believe I cried for 3 days straight. There is nothing like to trying to resurrect the old family boat one more time with new stringers and then you go and blow it by a dumb mistake on top cap. A roller coaster of emotions for sure.

My wife and I debated for days whether or not to continue the project or just let Mischief be and sell for scrap. Problem with that though was, we had already spent a pretty penny for brand new upholstery before we found out she was terminal with wood rot. I had the upholstery stored in the top of the garage for years and who would want what I had in the color I had it in? I called shop and told them I don't think Mischief will make the slot and had a good long talk with owner. He said, listen Daniel, it's only fiberglass and I can fix it, just depends on how much you want to spend. He assured me that it would be better than new but we still decided to hold off for while and think more on it.

I asked about my slot as I was ready to get Comp project going and asked if he would not mind substituting boats. He said, bring me your Comp if you want. So off went Comp a few months later to shop in 2020 as it could be turned around quicker (famous last words again) as we were hoping to see her on the water by mid summer 2020.

After 5 months in the shop and not making the summer deadline, the Comp went back in the garage as we thought about upholstery options. A couple of months later, the shop called and said let's bring Mischief IV in now and we'll get started on her. Well, fast forward to fall of 2021 and now he was finally able to lock his guys in on this project after having the Coosa board show up.

Pics of drop off to shop in October 2020 next to rlove30188's 1982 Supra Star

Notice uneven floor at blue arrows.

Notice motor box area and rotten main stringer.

Notice motor box area and rotten main stringer.