20230902_103024.jpg20230902_103040.jpgIt's home. Time to start the glass refinishing.
20230902_103024.jpg20230902_103040.jpgIt's home. Time to start the glass refinishing.
20230906_205141.jpg I went over the top with a quick compound just so I could find all of the places that need attention and see the real color for the color matching. It turns out that the light color isn't off white but the Supra light gray. There's 16 screw holes that are going to get filed in and a cupule of small chips in the gray. There's a long way to go.
Hagman, visual inspection showed no damage. We checked the type of neoprene used in the construction and it has a melting temperature of significantly higher than what they would have been subjected to during the rather brief overheat. So we reused them and they have performed flawlessly.
But please see the Supra Contest thread in the General Chat to see the overheat alarm (over the exhaust manifold flextube) and the electronic bilge pump with water alarm. I will never be blindsided again by an overheat.
Some photos, the third is a brand new Salisbury.
Last edited by MySupra; 09-13-2023 at 01:49 PM.
I'm getting close to finishing the glass repair and buffing on the cap. So fare I've filled in 42 screw holes and fix 3 chips. I want to have all of the buffing finished be for moving on the putting things back together.20230924_132431.jpg20230924_132404.jpgI filled in the screw holes for the bake vents. Not going to use the black square vent.IMG_0867.JPGIMG_0867.JPG
Ran out of 1000 Grit paper to work on refinishing the gel. So moved on to relocating the battery from the bow storage to under the passenger seat and a clean up day. 20230924_132535.jpg20230924_132450.jpg