As it would happen I put my last break in hour on my LTS on an 80 degree day. I skied for the first time and was extremely pleased with the wake, there is no bump at 22 off, I did not ski at any shorter line length but the wake looked good. I have only skied for 3 years so I have not skied a lot of boats. I have skied a '92 Malibu Skier, '91 Mastercraft Pro Star 190, '99 196 Nautique, and a '02 Mastercraft X7. I can't speak for the shorter line lengths but the LTS had as good of ski wake as the '02 X7 and the Nautique. One concern I have is we do some barefooting and with the wake plate all the way down the 320 HP only got to about 41 MPH with no one in tow. The engine also has a lag or a miss about 2 seconds into a hole shot. Brian Raymond if you happen to read this maybe you can explain. Other than that I am completely satisfied.
I can't vote yet because I still don't have my boat.And I'm told it will be another two months still!! I may be completly insane by the time it gets here. Oh wait, maybe I already am!
I am very satisfied with my 04 GG SSV. I just wakeboarded behind it yesterday and love it. The wake is the BEST I have ridden on. I am used to Malibu VLXs with the ballast full and the wedge down and I am more impressed with the fine tuning of the GG SSV wake. I still love the VLX wake, but I can mimic that with my boat with the use of the wake plate in the down position. But I like the wake better now with the plate in the up position to make the wake more rampy/peaky.
I had to have my tower replaced because I received an early build of the 04 GG SSV which had the tower that folded down forward. The guys that installed my new tower, one that looks the same but folds backwards, also installed larger support brackets at hull to provide extra support and prevent spider cracking in the paint near the tower mounts. Evidently, Supra uses support washers that are not as strong as the big support brackets for the GG tower. Hopefully they will change this to better support brackets.
The interior is nice and cushy. Just the way I love it! The stereo system is killer except for the bass. The 10" woofer that comes with the boat is great, but it is not in a true enclosure. To remedy this, get an 8" bazooka tube and woofer, and get a 10" Audiobahn tube enclosure for the 10" woofer that came with the boat and hook them in parallel together. Mount them both behind the false wall, leave the speaker grill on the false wall, and place the false wall back to it's factory installed position. The bass is now Excellent!
Overall, I rate the Supra GG SSV a 9 out of 10. Great job Supra!
2004 Launch SSV Gravity Games
i have the 1987 supra comp ts6m and i was woundering if any onre that pics from the comp in 1987 ?
I purchased a 2004 Launch LTS in April 2004. Generally dissatisfied. After I got the boat home i found a screw through the bottom of the hull (from the factory). Lately the boat has been dying on me. After many hours of aggravation I found that one of the harness plugs under the dash was defective- several prongs broken. I repaired that and the boat seems OK. Factory quality control appears to be lacking to say the least. Also, dealer quality is very weak. I bought from a dealer two hours away. The factory was offering free tower speakers as an incentive. The dealer installed them. When I arrived home I learned that they did not work with the CD player. Further, one of the speakers fell off the cage on the way home- several screws had not been tightened. I returned the boat for service. When I got the boat home after a two hour drive, the boat was completely dead. Turns out they had not reset certain breakers. When the boat has run it has performed great. However these problems have put a major damper on the whole experience.
I love my Supra boat!! There were some minor things that seemed silly & could have easily been caught at the factory like some of the backing bolts in my bow cushions did not have a washer or nut resulting in a rattle and loose cushion after a few hours, easily fixed but still left me wondering about more important things. Also, there is alot to be said about dealers that sell supra boats. Some are dedicated and understand that they have a quality product (*thanks Ron @ AuquaMarine of Anderson) while some couldnt find their ass with both hands. I mean some dealers are really making the supra name a representation of poor customer service. I hate to mention names (Bell Marine of Syracuse Indiana) but I actually bypassed the five minute drive to order my new boat from Ron Haston, over two hours away. I just hope the people at Bell dont ruin the Supra/Moomba name.
I purchased a 01 Launch SSV, the wake is great and plenty of power. The lake I generally run it at is at an altitude of around 4000ft., the 320 hp engine really preforms. Also the fuel economy is wonderful. After 5 - 7 hours of wakeboarding the boat will only burn 8 - 10 gallons of gas. My friends love it, we just need more days on the lake.
I purchased a new 03 comp lts last year and I would have to say I am dissatisfied with the purchase. However, it is a beautiful looking boat and I still love it because I love all boats.To many problems with boat and dealer though. $36,000 approx is a lot any way you cut it and I expected top quality product and service.
1. gel coat cracks- service manager said worst he has seen on a new boat, took 1 year
and a lot of hassle to finally get boat in for fix, gave it back unfinnished.
2. first day out depth finder not working, found not wired in,
3. all dash board mounts rattled loose, dash board cracked, boat been in several times,
waiting over 1 year for new dash to be installed-driven on private lake
4. walk through window fell through/got jammed, gap was to large,was noted on delivery
5. bilge pump runs continuously from day 1, took in for fix now only works from switch no
automatic float opperation.
6. rear seat did not fit on shelf properly-caused seat to sag- finally installed brace
7. large amounts of water entering boat on sharp turns- found silicone bead below rub
rail very thin to non existent- resealed, no problem since
8. delivered w/bow strap frayed-broke third time out-did not have replacement at shop
9. drop boat off for service detailed, get back rain soaked and full of water.
10.inspection plate at front of motor box was crushing fuel filter, no gap.
That said, we've had many great times in the boat, the play pen is great, runs great, but overall to many problems to say its been a good purchase.