The Revolution Volume Control integrates seamlessly into existing or new audio systems and performs the tedious task of changing the volume of your music from a high level while under way to a low listening level during slow speed maneuvering or at rest.

The Revolution Volume Control is installed between the stereo head unit and equalizer or amplifiers.

Stereo operation does not change when the Revolution Volume Control is off and when energized (ON) heightens your boating experience by letting you navigate, tow a rider or just relax as the music volume changes relative to the boat speed.

The operation of the HSE Revolution Volume Control combines a cutting edge microprocessor control system with the highest quality audio components.

The RPM signal monitoring circuitry is designed in a way that is independent of the number of cylinders associated with your boat engine.

Once installation is complete, the HSE Revolution Volume Control is simply programmed to operate at the desired engine RPM which is associated with the boat speed and can be changed at any time for any given condition.


Maaaaan I want one of these so baaaaaddd..... $125 only!

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