one of the most staggering numbers i have heard on this issue is that 14,000 new cars are added on chinas rode a DAY. think of that! if all of these cars only burned 1 gallon of fuel a day that is an increase in gasoline consumption of 121,666 bbls a year. just in cars in china. then you have to look at how fast india is growing as well as other countries. we need to figure something out fast because lets face it. there are too many people fighting for too few resources and people still keep having families with 4, 5, and even 6 children!!! if every family had 6 children to replace the two parents i cant even imagine how horrible the planet would be. also another interesting tid bit. if all the food was grown organically something like 3 billion people would starve to death according to penn and teller. just not enough farm land to provide food for the amount of people we have