Our friends at Fresh Air Exhaust have agreed to run a group buy for the Supra/Moomba crew from 6/27 to 7/3. Typically group buys aren't done during peak season, but they must really like you guys! Now you can get the benefits of FAE all season long! Additional details to come but we only need [/COLOR]3 buyers to get a $50 discount. Once we get to 7 buyers the discount jumps to $70.

If you are heading to the Texas Jam, be sure to catch up with Mike Mandley for an on the water demo of the FAE system. He can answer all your questions and help with the ordering process too.

More details to come, but for now check out http://www.freshairexhaust.com/ and post in this thread if you are in. I've already placed my order so just need a couple more to make this happen!