Since I bought my Supra (2002 Launch SSV) last season, the right side actuator hasn't appeared to be working. It looks as if the left moves in and out and the right is just along for the ride. The plate feels tight on the left side as well and loose on the right.

To troubleshoot, I jumped both solenoids and motor per Bennett instructions and everything appears to be working properly. I switched the lines at the pump and the left continues to work and right does nothing. No leaks anywhere around the connections either. Taking the right line off and pressing the pump results in fluid spilling from the end of the line. So fluid is getting there.

My first call to Bennett resulted in a suggestion to back the fitting into the right actuator off because it may have been in too far. This would cause the opening to press against the internals pinching flow. I tried this to no avail.

Second call to Bennett today, I was told the pump I have shouldn't not have two outlets and that Supras did not have these types of pumps. "You have the wrong pump." It appears factory so this puzzles me. He suggested buying a T fitting and splitting one side of the pump off into both actuators and blocking the other side off with a brass bolt of some type.

I don't think this is correct but I ordered the fitting and some extra hardware today anyway just to try it out.

Anyone have any ideas here? Thanks.