So, After I installed my surf system on my 92 Sunsport (in June), I found it was spraying water onto the gas tank breather valve. Sure enough, it coughed and sputtered part way into the evening and I couldn't drive it with a decent load on the engine. If I went over 10mph, it would make a "bump bump bump" sound and too much more throttle and it would sputter and cough. I've had trouble with the gas breather valve before as the OEM location was getting water when I slammed the boat for surfing. I moved it to the starboard side and didn't really have any major issues until I installed the surf system that was spraying water right at the vent. Obviously, I moved the vent again.

So, when that sputter happened back in June, I put some Heet in the tank, then drained the whole tank (well as much as I could using an electric fuel pump--The boat is parked on a bit of a slope, so the hose in the tank got most of the gas out). I then changed the fuel filter. Finally, I filled up the tank with new gas. When I next used the boat, it did have the same inability to handle much of a load for the first few minutes (obviously the fuel in the system). But then it ran normal and I'd only had a brief hesitation maybe a couple times since (and I've done probably a good 5 to 10+ trips since then). I've also moved the fuel tank breather to way up by the front windshield to get it so it's away from all the water at the stern that my boat sees when surfing. All the gas that I drained out of the boat (around 22 gallons) I put into my 2000 Jeep Wrangler and it seemed to consume it just fine.

Today, we went out and played for quite a few hours. Surfed a bunch. Then we drained our bags and motored to drop off our friends and start heading back to the launch. We did a good 5 to 10 minutes at 25 to 30mph. Then out of nowhere, hesitation cough sputter. And the identical scenario where I couldn't go more than 10 to 12mph with out hearing the engine making a "bump bump bump" noise and the same sputter cough with more throttle.

So tonight, I've again drained as much gas as I could out of the boat (around 20 gallons) and put it into my wife's Honda Ridgeline. I went on a test drive with the Ridgeline and it drove completely normal. I've also pulled the fuel filter and will throw another new one in before the next outing. I'll fill the tank with new gas, and throw a bottle of Heet in there just in case.

It seems like these are all classic "water in the gas" symptoms, but I'm a little stumped as to why this is happening again. What am I missing? I have the PCM
Pro Boss with the protec. I'd Really like this saga to come to an end...