So today we are boating in the Sunsport 242. We are taking off slowly and my wife is ... what was that noise? I didn't hear it and things sounded normal. We are on the other side of the lake about to head back to the ramp. I slowly increase the throttle and start cruising. A minute or two later the engine starts bogging and I can't get any speed. I shut it down and go inspect the engine bay. We are taking on water... big time. I can't find the source of the leak but the bay is just flooded. I proceeded to get the boat to the boat ramp as fast as I could, because it's about to sink. So with high pucker factor, we motor at about 12 mph across the lake, taking on a huge amount of water. I still don't know where the water is coming from.

Get to the ramp and almost can't get the boat out of the water it is so full of water. Get it out and I see the problem. Water is draining out of the bottom via a fire hose sized hole. There was so much water in the boat it take s a full 30 minutes for it all to drain out before I can see what is going on.

Evidently we hit something and it sheared the triducer off, creating a 2" hole where the triducer is supposed to be. whatever it was also hit the edge and bunged the edge of the brass water intake cover for the ballast.

Great. Now I have to see what kind of damage was done and how much $$$ to fix.

Terrible day at the lake, but I guess I'm thankful the boat didn't end up in the bottom of the lake.